Chapter 20

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If someone would have told Amelia she'd be staying with a guy who she's only known for like almost 3 months, she'd have embarrassingly laughed and said who decided to tell a joke. But here she is wearing his clothes, sitting sandwiched in-between him and the other guy she known the same amount of time in the other guys mustang.

"I think it's time you trade her in." Aizawa grunts as he shuts the door of the mustang and Amelia just winces in pain

"Hey I know it's a tight fit but we all made it in." Yamada states managing to get his seat belt on, "plus it's only 15 minutes, I'll drop you guys off then I'll swing by the drug store to pick up meds."

Amelia just groans in pain, "your lucky I'm still drugged up or this would be torture." She tells them

"It'll be over before you know it Precious~" Yamada winks through his glasses and drives off.

This should be illegal/this is totally illegal

It was a antagonizing 15 minutes, in reality it was 21 minutes because traffic sucked. The moment Yamada pulled into the apartment garage he actually pulled up to the doors to so Amelia wouldn't have to walk far.

It was painful getting out and moving around, she was slower than she was leaving the hospital. Now she's just hurt and in pain.

*I wanna use my quirk so freaking bad, how do normal people function?*

It was kind of Aizawa to open the door into the apartment building for her, she was to out of it to see Yamada drove off to go grab her pain meds. It was when she still had 20 feet to go that Aizawa just sighed, "stand still."

Amelia looks confused as she holds her hand on the wall as Aizawa goes behind her and one big motion is holding her bridal style. She doesn't have time to be embarrassed as she just grunts in pain and curses.

"A little warning would have been nice." She says in pain

"Sorry, it would have taken us far to long to get to my apartment, so bare with me for a moment." Aizawa states plainly his cheeks are a tad bit red as he thinks, she's really small reminds me of a cat.

They make it to his apartment quickly, Aizawa struggles grabbing his key out and unlocking the door while holding her. He refused to put her down.

No need for her to be in pain.

It's once inside, with the door kicked shut he doesn't even bother to take his shoes off as he treks through his house to his bedroom.

I can't let her stay in the guest room, Its to disorganized.

The guest room is practically a storage room, boxes filled with random stuff, usually when Yamada or Kayama come they crash on the Sofa or sleep in the recliner.

I should really clean that room.

He pushes open his door with his shoulder and walks her over to his bed very lightly putting her down, he's thankful he didn't turn the lights on otherwise she would have seen the mess of clothing and a few cat toys his cats scattered over the floor of his room.

"Thanks." Is all Amelia could think to say as shes laid down in that bed.

*Man is this bed soft, it's also kind of firm,  it's perfect.*

"Don't mention it, and I mean that." He states plainly as he unties her boots

She blushes slightly and would have put up a fight over this kind of treatment if she didn't feel like shit. Aizawa slides them off and puts them on the floor, "your going to stay in that bed unless you need to use the restroom or you need to get up and walk around." He states beginning to mother hen which is weird cause that's Amelia's thing, "I'll leave you alone and I'll try to keep my cats out of here. As for clothing, later tonight if your up for it I can walk with you to your apartment to grab your clothes, I know if you felt anything like I did you'll want to shower. My shower does have a seat I expect you to use it, if I have to go in there to pick you up because you decided to push yourself, your the one to blame."

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