Chapter 4

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**UA High School**
**Time: 7:32 AM**

The clock ticks in Nezu's office, a tired dark haired male sits in a chair across from Nezu himself.

"You want to try bring on another Teaching Assistant. The last one didn't make the cut, I thought it was agreed upon that I could continue teaching without one." Says Shouta Aizawa looking at the rat

"I know what I said, but I think I finally found the correct one to make the cut. I'm usually never wrong and I was regrettably wrong that time. I did apologize for that." Nezu states holding his tea cup

Aizawa sighs clearly unamused, "you gave me your word, Nezu."

"There is a difference between saying one thing and putting it on paper my friend." Nezu states like the cheeky bastard he is, "with the expulsion of students being in the 100s over the course of a few years, the board wants a teaching assistant, while I did say I wouldn't place another on you due to the unsavory one we got last time. I see the benefits of making sure you have someone, cause if I'm being completely honest you need the help. You always get the hardest and rowdy students compared to Vald King. Plus with your schedule as a underground pro hero working a few nights during the week I want to make sure you get the support you need. You are a very valuable member to my staff, and I don't like how run down you're looking and getting because you're overworked."

Aizawa sighs pinching the bridge of his nose, not liking the situation but knows he can't argue with him much on this, "I want the final say on this assistant of mine. If you're gonna start the hiring process I want to choose, after all I'm stuck with them the majority of the week."

Nezu smiles, "that I can do, I have someone in mind, a recommendation actually, though meeting her might be difficult at the moment."

"Her.. you only have one person in mind." Aizawa states plainly eyeing the mouse man tiredly

"Indeed I do, she's a recommendation from a very old friend of mine. If I know him, she's something special." Nezu picks up his tea and drinks some of it

"Old friend huh.." is all aizawa states

It's silent as aizawa picks up the damn tea and drinks it, he prefers coffee over tea, but when in the presence of Nezu, your always offered tea, and he will be persistent to find a tea that fits your palette. Aizawa still doesn't like tea, but it's easier to drink one tea and say he enjoys it better than another, than be given different teas over and over. It's a lesser evil in his opinion.

"Though I'm sure the board will be sending someone over before I can get her here for an in person interview. I've held them off for some time since the last disaster they sent over." Nezu breaks the silence

Aizawa is curious and ask bluntly, "get her here? Are you saying what I think your saying."

"If what your thinking is she's from America then yes your correct!" Nezu happily replies almost finished with his tea

Aizawa's usually blank expression goes to one of slight surprise, "your hiring a foreigner?"

"Planning too, I am working on getting a work visa for a years time, so if she really isn't to your taste you only have to put up with her for a year. I will also be putting her on a fast track to get certified in teaching."

*Great another teaching disaster like All Might.* Aizawa retorts in his head

"So she has no teaching experience, is she really fit to be a teacher, we already have one person on staff with out a teaching certification and it shows." The dark haired male leans forward placing his tea down as he bluntly states with distaste.

"Well unlike the Number One Hero, she is working towards teaching license. Though perhaps I should make Yagi go for his as well.." Nezu trails off thinking before shaking his head, "Anyway, think of her like a blank slate, someone who won't have a teaching sytle and can learn from your own. Wouldn't that make you more pleased to know someone isn't trying to step on your toes and changes your plans?" He hums to him

"It feels more like a babysitting job, and whose to really say this foreigner won't step on my toes after getting comfortable. Nezu I appreciate what your doing, but hiring someone with no experience, with no license, plus isn't even here seems like more work." The dark haired male replied plainly with slightly narrowed eyes as he mouth is covered slightly by his capture scarf.

"Well I'm glad your appreciative, and sadly it doesn't exactly matter what your think about my hiring process." Nezu replies dangerously calm, "I'll set up a time where we can all chat virtually, so you can speak and meet her, I'll let you sit in on the interview. Otherwise do your really want to wait around and see who the board is gonna send over? They'll send someone over sooner rather than later, and I guarantee they won't care for your opinions like I do, if the last person they sent is anything to go off of."

Aizawa is silent for a moment before sighing and leaning back in his chair, "I don't have a choice, but I do want full control over my classroom."

"Full control?"

"I want my word to be final, I'm willing to compromise at times but I want to continue running my classroom the way I have been. I know the assistant teacher is supposed to keep me in check but-"

Nezu cuts him off, "I can allow that up to a point, while it's true the assistant teacher is supposed to make sure your not expelling left and right, or doing anything deamed inappropriate, it is more of the assistance job to.. assist. While the board wants to control your classroom more, I want to make sure you keep doing what your doing, after all your not fully expelling most of those students but sending them to the general education course and re-enrolling them if they become better."

Nezu then adds while organizing his desk a little, "this all started because you expelled the chairman on the board of education's son from the school entirely. It helped that it also shows the amount of students you kicked from your class is again, over a 100."

"I know that." Aizawa replies irraited

"So then, please go into this with a open mind. I'll let you know when I get a date and time for the interview for her, you might just have to put up with another teaching assistant in the mean time, though don't worry I'm sure you can find faults with this new one as disastrous as the other one the board sent over, and I'm sure the rest of my lovely staff will also look out for bad behavior." Nezu states looking at Aizawa's now empty tea cup

"Well then I won't keep you any longer, thank you for coming in on such short notice." Nezu say to Aizawa, as the said man in question gets up tiredly from the chair, bows and heads to the door to exit, "and do get some rest dear friend, it looks like you need it."

"I always need it." Aizawa relies with a bit of sarcasm as he exits Nezu's office, the clock still ticking away..


So how was my writing for Aizawa and Nezu? Sorry if they seems a little OC, if you have suggestions I'll do edits and such!

Thanks for reading!

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