Chapter 5

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(Look at her holding a fully intact Stubby, so cute!! I got these to generate though AI, it's pretty cool right? If anyone wants to do some fanart I wouldn't mind that either. I love seeing what people draw!)

Working towards a teaching cert was easier said then done. Amelia over the next few has been researching how to get one and schools to go too. She'd rather take night classes and focus on getting a teaching license than full blown education degree, but it seems like that might be the only way to go unless she ask someone else.

Over the week she's only gotten in 10 hours of heroing mostly cause when she would try going out to do patrols one of her brother's grunts would stop her while others called her names which just threw her off her A-Game which isn't good. Even her own supervisor won't give her missions, unless requested by her older brother. She can literally feel everyone's distaste for her.

*Do you think I want my brother to do this either!?* She wants to scream into them their faces but doesn't.

It's Friday night, she's bundled up in sleep shirt showing off her smooth pale legs while her laptop sits in her lap as she just relaxed on the couch. Stubby not to far from her is lazing around by the window as the nighttime life can be seen below.

Soft violin music plays in the background as they relax, it's a getting close to 3 am. She usually stays up late, or at least she did when she was allowed to go on missions but since her brother even lied about the amount of hours (referring to I think Chapter 3 where he said she could work 20 hours), then it's obvious he wants to her fail, to get out of line so he can take her being a hero from her. It's sick to think this is his way of showing his care for her, but what can one do?

She yawns a little and stretches her arms above her head, "man, makes me wanna sleep since I'm not on call but, old habits die hard."

Stubby just gives off a deeper breath, a huff to her words as he also shifts in his place.

Amelia closes her laptop as she places it on the coffee table and get off the couch and walks to the window to look out, "it's kind of breathtaking, wish I could be out their saving living and fight crime."

Just then her phone goes off and she rushes over, *mission!? Am getting called to a fight!!*

When she picks up the phone she notices the numbers out of country, she also notices it's from Japan. She's confused but her curiosity gets the better of her as she answers in Japanese, "Amelia speaking?" She mentally curses not using her last name since she knows that's how it's done over there.

"Ah, is this Tano Amelia? I'm calling due to a letter I received from a mutual friend of ours." A male voice is heard

Amelia remembers the letter she sent out on behalf of Stubby, that was a week ago. Just what did he write in there..?

"Yes, this is she. I'm assuming the mutual friend is a white fured feline." She says in her usual soft tone

There's a chuckle before a response, "yes indeed, I heard he goes by Stubby, a strange name but who am I to judge. Anyways, I haven't introduced myself yet, which I apologize. I'm Nezu, the principal of UA, a hero school in Musutafu, Japan."

Her eyes widen, she knows exactly what school that is, she also knows Nezu by word of mouth is one of the smartest individuals alive today. His exact species is unknown but many assume he's a large rat with more human appendages, or a mixture of different animals like. He could be a stout too but it's not really known what he is exactly.

"M-may I ask why your calling Mr. Nezu." She stutters slightly

"Well, I'm looking for a teaching assistant, and imagine my surprise when our mutual friend sent me a letter saying you would be a perfect fit for the role. He also went into some personal matters, which I probably had no reason knowing about, but regardless I'd like to set up a virtual interview between myself, the person you would be assisting, and yourself." Nezu's voice carries surprisingly well through her phone.

By this time Stubby comes over and is by her side listening into the conversation, which Amelia narrows her eyes at him trying to figure out what 'personal matters' did he put in there about her.

Regardless she takes a deep breath an says, "while I umm thankful for such a offer, I have to say I don't have a teaching license, nor am I a popular hero-"

"None of that concerns me. The teaching license can be worked on when your here, as for being a not so popular hero, you should discredit yourself. Saving a couple thousand people every year is no joking matter. I'm honestly a little disappointed in the ranking system in America you should be very well in the top 50 but it seems you stuck in the 100s. I also have connections over there and know about the incident that occured 6 years ago, I also know how many people view you, including the way as of right now their cutting your hours down. Which I assume is due to the your egotistical, sister complex, brother?"

She just blinks wide eyed.. how did he?

"How did you get all that.." she ask shocked

"I'm a smart person, I know people, have connections in multiple countries. All you need to do is tell me a yes or no answer and I can get started on a work visa for the year, as well as prep for your room and board. I'll take care of everything. I want to see your flourish, I can see the makings of a hero, a better than most now and days. With your quirk, caring personality, you'll go far in Japan." Nezu states

Amelia is in a state of shock, like.. her whole world is upside down.

Nezu then speaks again, "you'll have to take a crash course for your hero license here in Japan since the one you currently have isn't for overseas. This will all be handled, if your up for the task and change of scenery."

"I.. I don't know what to say sir." She says softly clenching the phone

"Call me Nezu, as for what to say, I hope it's a yes."

She thinks back to her life, and how it's gone down hill over the past six to seven years. She thinks of the ridicule, the taunts, the other heros thinking she's riding on her brother coattails, and lastly thinks about her brother. His cold tone, his manipulative way of speaking, how he supposedly cares but can't show it.

*I'll run away from here.. I'll never look back. I'll pave my own path in someplace new. Make friends, live life, do what I want for once and not chase after someone who doesn't even care that am I doing so.*

"Yes, I'll do it. I look forward to the interview, Nezu sir."

"Excellent! How is the same time as now, but this up coming Monday, work for you? Also Nezu is just fine."

"Yes this Monday works fine! Send me a meeting invite and I'll be there.. virtually." She says a tad bit excited and awkward

Nezu chuckles, "send me your email address to this number and I'll send the invite. I look forward to it, goodbye."

"Bye.." she says softly as the other end hands up, she holds the phone tightly as she drops to her knees on the cream colored carpet.

Stubby hops off the couch and nuzzles her as she's there in a state of shock.

"I.. you did this Stubby. How in.. why.." she says softly as tears peak the corner of her eyes in disbelief

Stubby just purrs as his tail wraps around her wrist.

"Why is it that your the only one who's shown me more care than my own brother in the past 7 years I've known you.. your my life saver. If all goes well I'm out of this hell hole.. how can I ever thank you?" Her voice cracks as she looks at her three legged, one eyed friend.

The cat purrs nuzzles her again, she knows what he's saying or trying to get across and she lets out a sob as she go of her phone and picks him up and holds him close to her chest as she stays on the floor.

You already saved my life, I don't need anything else but to see you grow up being a fine hero, making friends, living life. All I need is to stay by your side, my weird human.

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