I Wonder...

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I wonder why the sky is blue,

Why healthy grass is green.

I wonder if my few close friends,

Feel that they are seen

I wonder why the world it spins

Why sheep go ba ba ba

I wonder what my one friend thought

Of not saying dada

I wonder why people feel pain

Why human hair turns gray

I wonder how my cat felt

When I said "don't go, please stay"

I wonder why they laugh and stare,

Why humans like to lie

But I'll never get the answer

To what it's like to say goodbye

I wonder why people aren't happy

To be just who they are

Why do pretty things glow?

Like a glow stick or a star

I wonder why God loves me

Why He listens when I talk

I may never get answers

But with Jesus I will walk

God will listen to my worries

He already has for years

I may never know just why

But the Most High God dries my tears

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