If I Fall Too Far

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If I fall too far

And my head breaks through the ground

Promise you'll keep going

When my body isn't found

When I fall just past the surface

Crash deep into the sea

Don't let go like I did

Don't end up just like me

I know it's hard to think

Grasp that I'm really gone

When I'm stuck in the night

Keep looking up to dawn

I'm right beside you dear

Less distant then when I saw

I'll help you heal your wounds

And cry because mine are raw

Don't join me if I give in

I'll regret it from my heart

It's not too late for you

But I couldn't play my part

If I fall too far

Remember the lie I gave

And don't regret not helping

I was too far to save

Forgive me for what I did

All the rude things I said

And I'm sorry this is goodbye 

Don't let it break your head

And If I leave tonight

And you don't hear me scream in time

Read this poem again

And dwell on every rhyme

Remember that I love you

Remember that I'm free

And please remember what I said

Promise you won't join me


Actually with all these poems I doubt anyone will EVER believe that but...

I'm TRYING to be fine


Holy sheet that sounds depressing... and so does the poem actually


I'm just a lil wee turtle in an ocean of Wattpadians don't mind me

*hides in sweater*

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