Hey there!

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Poem from little me... like 12 yr old little me

Hey! Can you hear me?

Have you opened your ears? 

Sometimes I think you can't see

When I let go of tears.

My playlist is a snapshot

Of the thoughts inside my brain

If you heard it and really listened

You would think that I'm insane

My thoughts are concerning

And so is my past

When ever I'm happy

I ask if it will last

So I vent to a poem

That I might share online

I hope my parents don't see

Just how much they are blind

My dad went through my note book

He found something I wrote

I said I was drowning in my tears

And forgot how to float

Now he thinks I need therapy

And I agree I do

But the words I replied with were

Don't worry it's not true

Now I wonder if I should

Tell him that I lied

But it doesn't matter

My hope's already died

So I sit here on Wattpad

Venting to no one

Somehow I forgot

How to truly have fun

So forgive me if you can

For all the lies I told

I might just keep it secret,

or at least until I'm old

I can't let you see

That your little perfect baby

When she thinks of death

It's no longer a maybe

I'm not that strong yet

But I can still cosplay as brave

I throw on my makeup and dress

See dad? I know how to behave.

(Omg that sounds wrong

But I promise you it's not!

It's just he wants me to be perfect

And he looks down on my best shot)

So I pretend it all away

My friends they start to see

That the perfect little angel

Isn't the real me

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