You aren't alone

11 1 1

"It's okay to feel the darkness"

"You don't get it!" "But I do"

How could you forget 

All of what you put me through

You never saw the real me

And when you did you didn't cry

You just brushed off my emotions 

And continued with the lie

The lie that I'm okay

That it's a matter of what

That I can turn it off

And not still feel it in my gut

In the shadow I'm just... numb?

No joy, no sad, no pain

But when I let the thoughts go free

They tear and burn my brain

Do you not see how you broke me?

Tore down my castle wall

I hate how when I jump off

You won't care at all

So if you feel like me?

Broken and so lost

Hold into life for me

Because my life was cost

Don't follow where I'm going

Don't jump right after me

You just keep on living

And maybe you'll be free

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