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Broken and fractured

But in it together

Wattpad is like family

One that makes you stronger

With words on a screen

An image hand drawn

Wattpad is the sun

Turning long nights to dawn

This is the internet. 

Messed up? Maybe so.

But it saved my life

And didn't let me go.

Welcome to Wattpad, 

Home to the lost

Where kindness is key, 

No matter the cost

You can vent, say shit, and cry

You can really be you. 

No need to lie.

This is my home, 

Although just a screen.

But I made close friends with some, 

though their face I have not seen.

Welcome to Wattpad, 

I hope you enjoy your day

Find a good book, 

To wash your tears away

This is me

Broken and alone.

Until I go online, 

When I know that I am home

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