
10 2 1

I wonder if I'm alone

Disappearing in the book

If some else avoids the mirror

Because they can't afford to look

If fantasy is their escape

And they've made friends with the Queen 

The one who shouts "Off with their head"

And they're never again seen

If they've talked to a white rabbit

Who was always somehow late

And traveled through the same doors

And got lost, forgot the date

If they traveled with a girl, 

In a beautiful blue dress

And made a pretty OC

Who when asked would always say yes

Have they got lost inside the music

And ate a pastry, had a drink

Got lost inside the story 

And didn't have to think

If they dread waking up

And avoid the truth they hate

And wish they were the rabbit

The one who's always late

If they wake up to reality

And wait out through the day

With books in hand and a pencil too

To write the pain away

I want to meet my rabbit

That will show me where to fall

I'm ready for the rabbit hole

And to say goodbye to all

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