10. Plan I: Ignore Him Too

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We were all now standing at the waiting area of the resort for our professors to assign us all rooms. I looked around the area and just by a glance I can say that the trip is going to be a good one, our uni booked the whole area as we students are huge in number. Wandering my eyes around the area, they landed on Hyun who ironically was holding Jen's bag on his shoulder wow. Well I don't care now. Atleast I can pretend not to.

I turned my gaze away from them when Miss Kristina, our faculty head called us to form a circle around her as she held the keys to rooms, everyone seemed happy as we were all allowed to choose our roommates, they have rooms for two and the other type for three. Almost students were already done by now, happily going to their rooms with their luggages. Now only we people and Mr. Han who is Tae's professor was left to get the rooms but what Miss Kristina said was not a fuckin good news.

"Sorry guys but we just have 2  rooms left, one for duos and the last for three" she raised the keys in the air, showing it to us.

What the actual fuck.

How the hell seven people were supposed to share a room.

"I guess me and two boys can share a room" Mr. Han said and it was pretty obvious who'll be sharing a room with him.

Tae and Jimin just nodded.

"Well then the girls, Yn and Jen can share a room and for the jeons I'll try to arrange something" said Miss Kristina.

Well it's not like I have any problem with this,but I would've been more happy if I was told to share a room either with my brother or maybe the jeons.
Don't get me wrong, like we've slept together many times when we were kids and it for real would've been nicer than Sharing a room with Jen, I just don't like her anymore. I don't hate her obviously but the way she's sticking to Hyun, especially after confessing her feelings for kook infront of me, well she's just not the best one in my eyes anymore.

" Ma'am, I'm sorry but I don't know Yn that well so I'll feel very confident sharing a room with her. Can I share with Junghyun instead?"

Okay. I might hate her as well now.

Furious. That's what I am right now. And guess what, Hyun being the sweetest boy he is just went on with that, happily. Very happily. Freek. I just hate this trip. I've even lost the count of times I've tried talking to him, but the boy just ignored my whole existence.

Guess what he have.


Yes, right.


"Yn. Get over this bro. You should be happy it's me whom you're sharing the room with not that bitch.
I can call her that right?"
Jungkook said while nudging my shoulder with his as he sat on the edge of the bed beside me.

Oh you guessed it right again, it's him whom I'm sharing my room with.

Well we were the only ones left and because the rooms were already occupied by then, we were offered to take up the penthouse. And now I'm stucked with this coldy, who happened to be my fake boyfriend for the trip .Not that I'm complaining. But I'm also not appreciating this shit of a tour.

" The hell you mean by that. How am I supposed to get over this shit, when I've myself seen from my own eyes, the love of my life happily sharing a room with Jen, my now supposed enemy." I spat while gesturing my fingers towards my eyes. As if that'll help me prove my point.

"And ofcourse we gonna call her a bitch. We're gonna call her much more" he chuckled to my words as his hand landed on top of my head ruffling my hairs while I glared at him.

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