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I woke up to see a sleeping Miles, which was an adorable sight, to say the least.

I'd seen Miles sleep before, countless times. We used to have so many sleepovers as kids, it wasn't healthy.

but after everything happened, it just wasn't the same. We stopped talking. But our parents? They didn't. It put us into a really awkward position and we actually ended up hating eachother, somehow.

but right now, Miles is next to me, sleeping like a little baby, with a little smile on his face? "I know you're staring, love." A blush crept upon my face. "It's cute. You're really cute." He told me, sitting up and putting his arms out, signaling for me to give him a hug.

i leaned over and snuggled into his bare chest, hugging his waist. "How about we go out today, just you and me. We'll just take a ride somewhere, hm? Would you like that?" He asked. "Mhm." I said, and nodded. "Good, get dressed." He said, giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"You're really pretty, Y/n/n." He said, giving me one last hug before telling me to get up.


i'd put a white dress on, with flowers embroidered into it. It was pretty neat, the flowers were blue, yellow, and baby pink. The flowers were small and really pretty. They looked like chrysantemums, but i couldn't completely guess which type of flower they were. But the dress was cute either way.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Miles sitting on the bed, reading a book (😍), he had his favorite jeans on, paired with a cute sweater. His messy curls covered his face, which made me confused on how he was even able to read the book. He looked up and me and smiled. "Ready to go?" He asked me, i nodded and he got up, putting his book aside. He grabbed my hand, which made me look down at our interwined hands and smile at him.


"So, you're telling me that's why you got expelled?" I asked, laughing and taking another bite of my ice cream. "Yeah! I mean, that guy was a total asshat. He deserved it. Especially after what he did." He told me, shrugging. "That's reasonable. What did your parents say when you got expelled?" I asked him. "They were furious, to say the least," he started, giggling. "But they got over it. They kinda understood why i did it." He told me.

"That's cool, i wish my parents were like that. They'd probably get so angry at me and wouldn't forgive me for like 6 months." I said, making the boy laugh.

"You'd be so dead!" He said, making me laugh too. "Yep!" I said, popping the p. "Oh look at that dress! It's so beautiful! Can i try it real quick?" I asked, not for his consent of course, but just to know if he was okay with waiting in a shop for a few minutes. "Yeah sure, go ahead!" He told me, smiling.

i grabbed the dress in my size and walked over to the changing rooms, getting out of the dress i was currently wearing, and grabbing the other dress.

When i had put it on, i looked in the mirror. "It looks pretty good." I told myself, before putting the curtain aside, and stepping out of the small room to show Miles. "What do we think, Milo?" I said, he chuckled, i assumed because of the nickname.

"it's really pretty and looks good on you, you should totally buy it!" He advised, smiling again. "Okay! I'll just change real quick, and i'll check out." I said before stepping into the changing room, and changing into my own dress again.

After i paid for the dress, me and Miles started walking back to the main entrance of the small town, and called a  cab to being us back to the hotel.

After about 40 minutes we got back, and paid the driver, thanking him in the process. We said goodbye and got out of the car, and walked through the entrance of the hotel. "That was so much fun. We should really hang out more often, you know." I said, looking at him. "Totally!" He said, with a beaming smile.

oop, i love this so much!!

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