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I honestly don't know what the actual fuck happened at the restaurant, it happened 2 hours ago and i'm still shocked while Miles is acting like it never happened. Still a snarly fucking attitude.

I really don't know why he did it, he hates me right? He probably did it because he thinks he has every girl on their knees for him. I mean if he wasn't such a bitch i would...

We're currently in the hotel's bar which is located next to the lobby. I'm here with Miles and Flora since Flora really wanted Miles and i both to come. She's so adorable but i'm so done with Miles. He has been eye fucking me the entire time we've been here. Flora fortunately hasn't noticed anything that happened tonight, good.

"Flora, it's time for bed!" Mrs. Fairchild said, walking up to the table we were sitting at. "Bye Miles and bye Y/n! See you tommorow!" Flora said, standing up and giving Miles a peck on his left cheek which made him look up and smile at her.

After Flora left, Miles got up too. "We should go to bed." He said with a smirk, pervert. "Yeah." I said, standing up and walking to our hotel room.


As soon as i had entered the room i went over to the bed to grab my pyjamas from my bag. Shit. I only brought booty shorts and a tank top because my stupid self forgot i was staying in the same room as Miles. Well, it's okay. What isn't okay is that i still have to sleep in the same bed as Miles.
"I'm going to change." I said, walking to the bathroom and locking the door once again.

Once i was done changing i unlocked the bathroom door and walked over to the bed, scared of what Miles would say.

"Are you trying to impress me or something? First that short dress and now this... outfit." I heard Miles say from behind me. I turned around to see Miles standing behind me, only in sweatpants. No shirt.

"Why would i want to impress you?" I asked, looking at him with a disgusted look on my face. "I know you fantasize about me, Y/n." He said. Luckily i heard my phone ringing. I walked over to the nightstand next to my bed to pick up the phone and saw that Vaughn, my best friend, was trying to call the room's phone, i had given Vaughn the phone number earlier. i picked up and saw heard him chuckle, probably because of how long it took me to pick up.

"Hi Vaughn! How are you?" I said, laying down on the bed. "I'm really good Y/n/n! you know i had to meet my new step-family today right?" He asked me. "Yes! How were they like?" I asked him with a smile on my face. "My stepdad is really nice and so are my stepsiblings! Their names are Ala and Liam, they're twins!" He said with a huge smile on his face, i could practically sense it. "I miss you." He told me. "I miss you too Vaughn. But i'll see you soon okay? Just 7 more days and i'll be back." I said in return.

"I love you and sleep well Y/n/n." He said. "I love you too, V. Sleep well! Even though it's still noon back there." I said, making him giggle. "Bye Y/n." He said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" I heard Miles ask. "Vaughn, he's my best friend. Why?" I asked him with a confused tone. "I was just suprised you have any friends." He said while getting in bed next to me. I rolled my eyes and put my phone on the nightstand, turning my back to him and turning the light off. "Fuck you Miles." I said. "You know you want me."

He's right.

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