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Today is the night of the premiere. I have my dress, shoes, and makeup look all picked out. All the girls are at my house getting ready.

Lauren does my hair as I do the finishing touches to my makeup. After everyone had their makeup and hair done, we slip into our dresses.

I then put my heels on, stand up, and take a look in the mirror. Woah, I actually look, good. My hair and makeup is close to perfect. And the dress is beautiful. It sticks to my chest and is puffy at the bottom. The dress is light pink and about three inches above my knee.

"You look beautiful!" Melissa says, gasping. Then all the girls chime in. I thank them all, and compliment them as well.

"Come on, the boys should be her any sec-"

Ding Dong

"There they are." Danai finishes.

I grab my purse and head out the door with everyone else.

I look at my date, and his eyes widen.

"You look...gor-stu-umm." he starts, but jumbles up his words. "you look beautiful." he finally finishes.

I blush, and smile widely. "thank you, you look very handsome." I compliment. He links my arm with his, and we start walking off.

"Wait, pictures!" my mom yells out.

I huff, and turn around. We pose for the pictures, then once she's done, leave.

"Have fun guys!" she exclaims. Then we all leave my house, and get inside the limo.

Me and everyone else talk about how excited we are. Of course, I was more excited than all of them. It's my FIRST time, and I hope it goes well. I'm so nervous I'm basically sweating buckets.

"Don't worry, it's okay." he comforts, grabbing my hand and doing circular motions on it. It's actually quite calming. I relax as I rest my head on his shoulder.

After a few minutes, we arrive at the premiere. We all get off, and walk onto the red carpet. Millions of cameras flash, with millions of reporters behind them.

It only causes me to get even more nervous.

"Hey, hey, I got you." he whispers, then places a soft kiss on my forehead.

We them once again interlock arms, and walk off.

"Mingus, Abbie, over here!" a reporter yells out. Me and Mingus look over to the camera, and smile.

After lots of pictures, we decide that that was enough. Me and Mingus then enter the screening room, arm in arm.

We meet up with the rest of the cast in our reserved section.

We both take a seat met to everyone else, and say hi to all of them. Awkwardness filled the air when me and Chandler locked eyes.

He gives me sad eyes, and I send him a sympathetic look. I quickly sit back, and put my attention to the screen.

Soon the lights dim, and the episode starts. I literally couldn't take my eyes off the screen. It was really good.

Once it was over, everyone stood up and clapped. I smiled and thanked everyone who complimented me.

I shook hands with many directors, actors, fans, etc. They all said I did a great job. Which made me feel happy inside.

Then the whole cast takes a group picture. "Who's ready for the after party?" Norman yells out.

We all howl in response, and follow him into the limo.

Once we got to the after party, the fun really started.

They had a DJ and neon lights. Me and Mingus didn't stop dancing the whole night. He's quite of a good dancer.

I didn't just dance with Mingus. Andrew and Norman invited me for a dance. And I of course, agreed.

It was so much fun! Towards the end of the night, everyone was tired. It was literally 2 am.

The DJ was passing slow dances, so everyone was still at the dance floor.

I was enjoying myself, dancing with Mingus and all, until I feel someone poke my shoulder.

I turn around, and find myself meeting eyes with Chandler. Mingus also looks at Chandler, and we all exchange awkward glances.

"May I have one dance?" he asks shyly. I look over at Mingus, whose face showed disapproval.

"Just one dance." I whisper to his ear. Mingus nods, and let's go of me.

Chandler then outstretches his arm to me, and I take it. He wraps his arms around my waist, and I put mike around his neck.

The slow song begins, and me and Chandler slowly move to the beat.

I try to avoid eye contact, so that it won't be as awkward. But Chandler grabs my with his fingers, and moves my head to face him.

"Please don't ignore me." he whispers.

"I'm not ignoring you. And Chandler, I'm really sorry for-"

"Shhhh," he cuts me off. "Don't talk, just dance." he says, and I obey.

As the song goes on, it becomes less awkward. I rest my head on his chest, and keep moving slowly.

Once the song finishes, everyone claps, and I leg go of Chandler. As I begin to walk off, Chandler grabs my arm and pulls me back to him.

I get caught off guard, and fall into his arms.

"Chandler, what are you-" I start, but am cut off my Chandler smashing his lips into mine.

I don't react, everything is happening so fast. My first instinct is to kiss back, which I do. But then realize that I came her with Mingus, not Chandler.

I try to let go, but Chandler doesn't budge. Until after a few seconds, he pulls away. I look into Chandler's eyes, and send him a confused look. His eyes sadden, then a frown appears in his face.

"I-I'm sorry. I had to," he says, then runs off. I stand there puzzled. And softly touch my lips, where he kissed me.

That was definitely not what I was expecting.


Oh my gosh, DRAMAAAA

I'm sorry it sucked, i tried my best. It just seems like you guys aren't into the story😓but I'm gonna keep writing, cuz I have a few active readers, you know who you guys are! Ly♥️

I might take a short break, to leave you guys wondering....unless we can get 10 votes. So yea😂👏🏻

Be more active and I'll promise to update more frequently.

Oh, and I was thinking of starting a Carl Grimes fan fiction. Would you guys want me to? Comment your opinion!🐙💖

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