f o u r t e e n

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Today is the first day of school, yaay. (note the sarcasm) I get up from bed, then take a nice and refreshing shower. After drying myself, I change into my chosen outfit, (a/n: outfit is up there lovelies!) then straighten my hair. I then apply some eyeliner, mascara, and a bit of lipstick.

I grab my phone, sling my backpack over my shoulder, then go meet up with mom. After eating breakfast, I brush my teeth, then start making my way out.

"Do you need a ride?" mom asks me.

"Don't worry mom, Mingus is walking with me to school." I answer, then give her a goodbye kiss, and leave.

I'm glad that Mingus and I are walking together. It's gonna give me a chance to talk to him about the whole Chandler thing.

"Hey Abbie." Mingus says.

"Hey there Mingus, are you excited for school?" I ask him, and we begin walking.

"Not really, it sucks. But don't worry, you'll fit right in." he responds, and I send him a smile. Okay Abbie, it's time. Just tell Mingus you don't have feelings for him. No, that's so mean! I'll just lay it on easy.

"Hey Mingus, we need to talk." I tell him.

"Okay, about?" he asks.

"Well you know how we went to the premiere together?" I ask him. He smiles and nods. "Yea, that was a lot of fun. But um, something happened that night."

Mingus looks over at me, and sends me a confused look. "What happened?" he asks. I nervously bite my lip, and start playing with my fingers. "Are you okay Abbie?"

"Yea, yea, I'm fine." I answer. "So while we were at the premiere, Chandler and I- we kissed." I finally spill out. Mingus stops at his tracks, and stares into my eyes.

"You kissed?" he questions, I nod. "Okay, well um-"

"I'm sorry." I say, interrupting him.

"Abbie, why are you sorry? It's not like we're dating or anything." he says, adding a small laugh at the end.

"I know but, I went to the premiere with you. And I kissed Chandler, that's not right." I tell him. "So I think we should just stay friends."

There's compete silence for a while, neither of us talks. The only think audible is the sound of our footsteps. It's only until Mingus speaks up that the silence is broken.

"I think that if that's what you want, that's what I want." he says. I send him a smile, and wrap him in a hug.

"Best friends."

"Obviously." Mingus says, and I burst out laughing.

     ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ skip the walk ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧

Once we arrived at school, all eyes were on us. I guess new kids are rare in this school. Mingus walks me over to the front office, and I get my schedule and locker combination.

"First period English, gross." Mingus says, reading off my schedule.

"Oh shut up, I actually like English. It's my favorite subject." I tell him. We walk over to my locker, and I put away all of the books that I don't need.

The bell rings, and Mingus walks me over to my classroom. "Goodluck kid, try not to die." he jokes.

"No promises." I say, then enter my classroom.

✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ skip the school day xD ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧

School actually wasn't so bad. All of my teachers are super nice, and so are the students. During lunch I sat with Mingus and his friends. Chandler usually sits with them, but he didn't today. I actually haven't seen Chandler the whole day.

But, I'm going over to his house right now. I already planned it. I'm going to tell Chandler how I feel. It shouldn't be too hard, Chandler told me he likes me already. We can finally be happy together.

Sally drops me off at Chandler's house, then leaves. I knock at his door, only to be opened by Chandler's mom, Gina.

"Oh hello Abbie, are you here to see Chandler?" she asks me, a big smile planted on her face.

"Yes I am." I answer politely.

"He's up in his room." she tells me, then let's me in. I thank her, then make my way towards his room.

I come to a stop once I am in front of Chandler's bedroom. "Come on Abbie, you can do this. Just go in, and tell him." I whisper to myself. Then take a deep breath, and open the door.

"Hey Chandler, I just came to-" i start, but then cut myself off when my eyes land on Chandler sitting on his bed, and making out with a random girl.

They break apart as soon as they hear me come in. "Abbie!" Chandler exclaims, then stands up and rushes over to me. "Uh, what are you doing here?" he asks.

"I came over to talk to you, but I'm guessing it's not a good time." I answer, while I awkwardly stand there. Chandler nervously ruffles his hair, and stands there awkwardly as well. "Who is she?" I ask, as non jealous as possible.

"I'm Jessica, Chandler's girlfriend."

well, that's gotta hurt. gosh, chandler is such a jerk! still love him doe 😂

what do you think will happen? you'll have to wait to find out' cliffhanger!!!

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