t w e n t y - f o u r

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you guys wanted it, so here it is!!!

"Don't move, I could burn you." Ally warns, while continuing to straighten my hair. "Alrighty then, all done."

I carefully stand up, and walk over to my mirror. Oh my gosh, that's me? I actually look good. "Woah, Ally you're a miracle worker." I gush, since she is the one who did my hair and make up perfectly. "I look good."

"No Abbie, you look hot." she says, causing me to giggle. "Chandler is going to die."

"Chandler? You mean Zach?" I question.

"Nope, I mean Chandler." she says, while smirking.

"Ally, we're just friends."

"Maybe to you, but not to him. Because once he lays his eyes on you, he's gonna want to fu-"

"Ally, shut up." I cut her off. I did not really want to hear her finish that sentence. After about one more hour of getting ready, we start making our way out.

"Have fun, but not too much fun." my mom tells us. "And remember to be home before twelve."

"I promise mom, bye!"

"Bye Mrs.Williams!" and with that, we are out the door. Mingus said he would drive us, so we just wait for him to arrive. After a few minutes, his car pulls up at our driveway. We mount inside it, and he drives off.

"Are you guys excited?" he asks.

"Super, there's gonna be a bunch of hot guys there." Ally says, and we all crack up laughing. After a five minute drive, we arrive at Josh's house.

And as soon as we open the door, I'm already shocked. This was definitely not what I expected. There were hundreds of people here, so many flashing lights, and lots of red cups. Which I hope are filled with soda. "Ally wait up!" I yell, but loose her before I finish my sentence. I look to my right, and see Mingus left.

"Abbie?" a voice says behind me. I turn around and see Chandler. A wave of relief washes over me.

"Hey Chandler." I answer. "Have you seen Zach? I can't find him." Chandler clenches his jaw, but just rolls it off.

"No I haven't seen him. But while you look for him, we could-"

"Babe!" my boyfriends familiar voice fills the air. I turn around with a big smile on my face. "Where were you? I was looking all over the place."

"I just got here." I answer. Chandler sighs behind me, and I hear him walk away. "So, wanna dance?" Zach asks me, and extends his arm.

"Let's do it." I say, and grab his hand as he guides me over to the dance floor. Josh has really good music taste, because me and Zach danced to all of the songs they played for the past half hour.

As I move my hips to the music, the song stops. And they start playing a slow song. I look over at Zach, and see a nervous look on his face. "Can I have this dance?" he asks. I smile and nod.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist. We move to the beat of the music, and I find myself laying my head on his shoulder. I look at the couples dancing, one of them being Chandler and Jessica.

As the song is about to finish, Zach brings his fingers to my chin. I turn my gaze to him, and a smile creeps onto his face. "I love you." he whispers. My eyes widen in surprise, and I stay still in shock.

always // chandler riggs Where stories live. Discover now