t w e n t y - e i g h t

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Chandler's P.O.V

"Hi Chandler, can I come in?"

I stare dumbfounded at the wet beauty standing in front of me. I try to speak, but my words fail me. And I find myself staring at Abbie for what seems hours, silence over taking the air. Then I realize she was getting soaked in the rain, and I quickly let her in.

"Do you need a towel? A jacket? You want some warm water?" I ask, frantically worrying over her. She giggles slightly, and politely accepts the towel.

"Here you go." I say, handing her the warm towel fresh out of the dryer.

"Thank you." she replies, wrapping herself around it. "Sorry for barging in like this."

"No, don't apologize. I don't mind you coming over." I comfort, sending her a warm smile. She returns one back, then starts speaking.

"I came here because I wanted to talk." she explains. "About what happened at the party." My smile drops, remembering all of the things I admitted to her. How I poured my heart out without even meaning it. And how I would gladly do it again.

"Alright then, let's go talk in my room." I say, guiding her up the stairs. Once we arrive, she uncomfortably takes a seat on my bed and looks around the room.

"Wow, haven't been here in a long time." she says, causing a small laugh to escape my lips.

"Yea, I cleaned it up a bit." I reply, then the awkward silence takes over. I hesitantly take a seat next to her, and my pulse quickens as I get near her.

"So the party, let's talk about that." she starts. "Some things were said, and actions were done. Which may have caused some tension between the two of us." I look over at her, and realize that she has been working on this speech for a while now. "And I don't think that it's comfortable for either of us. So maybe-" she stops herself, inhaling a deep breath. "Look Chandler, I don't want things to stay this way. I wanna be able to watch movies, eat junk food, go to the park, and spend lazy days with you. I want to be able to go back to the way we were. I miss that, I miss us."

After every word my smile gets bigger. I can't believe she's actually saying all of this. She misses us as much as I do.

"Which is why I think the best thing to do is forget about the party." she says, and my smile immediately drops. Oh, so now she's on Jessica's side? She just wants to forget when I admitted to loving her? Well, it ain't that easy. and I'm gonna make sure she knows that.

Abbie's P.O.V

"You want me to forget?" he questions, looking at me straight in the eye. "You want me to forget how I told you that I loved you? How I admitted to liking you ever since I laid my eyes on you? I'm sorry Abbie, but that's not gonna happen." he says, causing my eyes to widen. "I can't forget, I don't want to forget.


"No Abbie!" he cuts me off. "You don't understand."

"Chandler you were drunk!" I yell back. "You didn't know what you were saying, your feelings were mixed up. It was the alcohol talking, not you!"

For a moment there was complete silence. And I swear, you could've dropped a small pin and you would've been able to hear it thud against the ground.

"I may have been drunk. But it definitely wasn't the alcohol talking, it was my heart." he lets out, breathing heavily as he talked. "You have no idea how it feels. You don't know how it feels to see the person you love in the arms of someone else. Abbie, it killed me seeing you with him every single day. It hurt so much whenever you kissed him, grabbed his hand, or even glanced at him. It broke my heart knowing that the way you looked at him, was the way I look at you. And I couldn't help but think that, that should've been me."

"since when have you felt this way?" i ask. he stays silent and looks at the ground, my eyes widen in realization. "after all this time-"


I'm at a loss for words. Nothing I can say will ever be able to beat what Chandler just told me. But then, a memory pops inside my head. And I know just how to respond to Chandler.

"You think I don't know how it feels?" I start. "You don't think that I've felt true heartbreak?" by now, I'm yelling and have already stood up from bed. "If you think you're the only one that knows how it feels to get hurt by the person you cared most for, then you're dead wrong."

Chandler looks at me, a mix of surprise and confusion in his eyes.

"I know exactly how it feels to have your heart ripped out by the person you loved. How do you think it felt when I walked in on you kissing Jessica?" I question, and Chandler's eyes widen. "I made my way over to your house just so that I could admit that I loved you, that I felt the same way you felt about me! But what did I find? Your lips smashed against hers. How do you think that felt? Huh Chandler? It was like a fucking knife plunging into my heart, that's how it felt! So don't you dare say that I don't know how it feels Chandler Riggs. Because I've had my heart broken, and surprisingly it was by you."

I turn my back to him, anger fuming through me. My blood was boiling, and I'm pretty sure my face was as red as a freaking tomato. I couldn't help it, I was mad. Chandler was here complaining about how I "broke his heart" when he did the same to me.

"Abbie," Chandler whispers, placing his hand on my shoulder. I shove it off harshly, obviously still mad. "I-I didn't know you felt that way."

"Well I did." I spit out, still not facing him.

"Please look at me." he pleads, placing his hand once again on my shoulder. "I'm sorry I caused you so much pain. I was stupid, I still am. I was stupid enough to let the most beautiful girl go. I didn't know you felt that way, so I tried to move on or make you jealous. But neither of those things worked, I couldn't help but love you. I still do, I always have and I always will."

I slowly turn around, finally facing Chandler. And I notice that his eyes were getting watery. His arms snake around my waist as he pulls me closer. "I love you so much Abbie Williams." were the last words he said until his lips smashed into mine.

alrighty guys, SO THAT JUST HAPPENED!!!

i actually am really proud of this chapter, i like it a lot 😊

sadly, this will be the last chapter you'll have in a while. i'm starting school next monday, and i really want to focus on school this year.

so i'm gonna lay off fanfiction for a while, and just focus on school and my outside life😹👏🏻

i'll try to post chapters once in a while, but i can't make any promises.

this is definitely not the end of the story! there's still way more chabbie moments that we need to experience! and i will fill you in as much as possible.

thank you for all of those who read and vote for this story. i appreciate you all so so much! LeiaReedus thank you for being so supportive, and active!

if you'd like, share this story with all of your wattpad buddies and help this story grow! don't forget to comment down suggestion on what you want to happen!

see you guys soon, byeee💞

always // chandler riggs Where stories live. Discover now