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☆ 10. Games of luck

Game of Luck

Port Mafia Weapons Proving Ground.

The empty field was barren and bare due to repeated indiscriminate bombings. The pitted surface told the story of human evil deeds. There were several human-shaped targets standing there not far away, with several clearly visible bullets on them. hole.

Weapons are the most malicious inventions of mankind.

However, Enoshima Shimakawa, who is holding a lemon bomb in her hand, has no idea of ​​​​thinking in this direction for the time being. To her, the feared high-risk bomb in her hand is just a novel little toy.

Enoshima Shimakawa put the box aside, took Edogawa Ranpo's hand and suggested enthusiastically: "Ranpo, the person who sent the bomb said there are real lemons and real bombs in it, let's make a bet. , let’s see who can get the real bomb in one go?”

The appearance of the lemon bomb made by Kajii Motojiro looks exactly like a lemon, and even the texture in the hand is similar. I want to start from the most basic aspect of whether there is a safety catch. The way to distinguish bombs from lemons using the characteristics of the bomb was also blocked by Kajii Motojiro, because he even installed a safety bolt on the real lemon.

All in all, he looks very sick.

Edogawa Ranpo nodded indifferently, agreeing to Enoshima Shimakawa's game.

"Then Ranpo, please close your eyes first." Enoshima Shimokawa did not dare to underestimate Edogawa Ranpo's observation ability. She might not be able to tell which one was a real bomb just by looking at it with her eyes, but she believed that Super The powerful Edogawa Ranpo can definitely be seen at a glance. But this is a game of luck, so you must not "cheat" based on your strength!

Seeing Edogawa Ranpo, he closed his eyes as he was told. Enoshima Shimakawa took the box and reached out to stir it inside. He thought he had thoroughly mixed the bombs and lemons in the box before leading Edogawa Ranpo. His hand came to the lottery area: "Come on, Ranpo, pick one quickly."

I saw Edogawa Ranpo closing his eyes and reaching down, and without hesitation, he picked up the first one that his fingertips touched. lemon". Following Edogawa's random steps, Enoshima Shimakawa also closed his eyes and took out a "lemon".

Edogawa opened his eyes randomly, and then his lips were touched by a green-white finger.

"Let's throw the 'lemon' out together later and see the result." When Enoshima Shimakawa said this, he was very close to Edogawa Ranpo. The only distance between them was the green finger. Eyes met with aqua blue eyes, and the two warm breaths intertwined. Enoshima Shimakawa spoke very softly, "So don't spoil the story in advance." "Oh, Shimakawa

. "

Just when Edogawa Ranpo reached out to hold Enoshima Shimakawa's finger that was on his lips and was about to speak, a voice intervened. Enoshima Shimakawa and Edogawa Ranpo turned their heads at the same time, and a figure with messy black hair, a black coat, and the exposed skin covered with bandages came into their eyes.

Enoshima Shimakawa looked at the visitor and tilted his head in confusion: "Dazai, why are you here?"

Shouldn't it be working time now? Is it possible that as a cadre of Port Mafia, your daily job is to wander around?

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