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☆ 24. Ketchup

The reason why Sakunosuke Ketchup

Oda was shot when he had the special ability of "Seamless Clothes" and Andre Gide was unable to hide was because they used the same special ability. This happens only at singular points.

If we want to change the fact that Oda Sakunosuke was shot and died, we need to eliminate this possibility from the source.

Therefore, the singularity was "lucky" not to occur, and Oda Sakunosuke was "lucky" not to be hit in the heart.

But because of this, Andre Gide did not die as he wished because of the "disappearance" of the singularity. However, compared to Oda Sakunosuke, he was hit by a bullet. Although it was not the heart, he was also injured. Not light.

After all, he was bleeding, so I couldn't tell if he wasn't injured or something.

As for why there were no injuries on Oda Sakunosuke's body... Oh, it wasn't that there were no injuries. If being scratched by a bullet could be considered an injury, it would have to start with the strange red thing on his body.

They originally thought that Oda Saunosuke was going to leave them like this, but the children, who were crying bitterly, saw a big sister suddenly appear and cast a magical "magic", and Oda Saunosuke was alive! And he sat up!

The children, who still maintained sad expressions on their faces, just stared blankly at Oda Sakunosuke sitting up, reaching out and touching the inside of his coat, and then took out a bottle of ketchup the size of a brick.

Everyone can clearly see that this bottle of ketchup has two round holes with strange orientations, which caused the red content inside to leak out. Some ketchup that remains at the bottom is also due to Oda Sakunosuke’s The movement blurred his hand, which looked "bloody".

"Ah!" Xingsuke suddenly screamed strangely, frightening the other children who had not yet realized what happened.

After making an unexplained sound, Kosuke didn't explain anything. He rushed directly to Oda Sakunosuke and started to pull off his clothes.

"H-Kousuke!" Oda Sakunosuke and Andre Gide seemed to have done nothing just now, but only the two of them knew the actual consumption. So Oda Sananosuke, who could have held a child at one hand, was stunned and had to use his strength to hold down the half-year-old child of Yusuke.

Kosuke, who was pinned down, fluttered for a moment, and finally remembered the use of his mouth. He looked anxiously at Oda Sakunosuke's chest and said, "Bullet!" "Yes!" Sakule suddenly caught sight of Kosuke's brainwaves, and immediately said nervously

: "Odasaku, this ketchup bottle has been pierced. What about the bullet? Is it still on you?"

Hearing Kosuke and Saki asked about the bullet, Oda Sakunosuke's eyes were subtle, and he looked sideways. Turn over so children can clearly see the clothes behind them.

There is a hole in the clothes, but the hole does not appear at the heart, but at the back of the armpit: "Maybe it was blocked by the bottle of ketchup and changed the trajectory of the bullet..." Oda Sakunosuke's tone was very hesitant, and it was obvious that he didn't quite believe what he said, "Then the bullet grazed my body and shot out from behind?" Saki grasped the key point from Oda Sakunosuke's words

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