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☆ 19. Little gangsters are in trouble

In the following days, Enoshima

Shimakawa had many first experiences in his life.

For example, for the first time in your life, you pick up your hand/gun and shoot, and successfully hit the target.

It was an incident that happened during an evening walk after get off work.

Since arriving in Yokohama, Enoshima Shimakawa's daily routine has basically consisted of taking a car from his home to the Mafia Port Building. So after spending another fulfilling day and completing the day's work, Kae Takagan waved his hand to "get off work early", and then ran to Edogawa Ranpo's office to watch him get off work, Enoshima Shimakawa suggested this The next time the two of them walked home, it was time for a walk.

Because of Takase Kai's threats, they would not go out again after returning home until going to work in the morning.

Of course, Enoshima Shimakawa did not forget to ask Nakahara Chuuya for his opinion. After all, compared to taking the car home directly, taking a slow walk back with them would definitely add unnecessary workload to Nakahara Chuuya, who was responsible for protecting the safety of Edogawa Ranpo.

Whether it's accompanying them to work in the morning or taking them home in the afternoon, using personal rest time outside of work hours to protect Edogawa Ranpo, this is overtime behavior! And it seems there is no overtime pay. Thinking of this, Enoshima Shimakawa couldn't help but mentally condemn Mori Ogai, Nakahara Chuuya's immediate boss.

Wait, the person being protected is her dear one. It seems a bit sorry for Chief Mori to think this way...

However, speaking of it, Port Mafia is open all year round! Although the salary is considerable, Enoshima Shimakawa still has to say that weekends are very important!

"Me?" Unexpectedly, Enoshima Shimakawa would come specifically to ask for his opinion, and Nakahara Chuuya was stunned for a moment. In the final analysis, his mission is only to protect the safety of Edogawa Ranpo. As for the specific itineraries of Edogawa Ranpo and Enoshima Shimokawa, that is their freedom and does not require his consent at all. The enemy won't take advantage of this opportunity... Heh, are you looking down on him?

Nakahara Chuuya smiled easily at Enoshima Shimakawa: "I have no problem, just leave it to me for safety and everything else."

So that day, Enoshima Shimakawa held Edogawa's random hand and walked. go home.

Of course, he was followed by Nakahara Chuuya, who had his hands in his pockets.

Originally, I was walking smoothly while admiring the scenery on the road, visiting the small shops on the roadside, and teasing the calico kittens passing by. Then I got tired from walking around Enoshima Shimakawa and found a bench to sit down. Not far away, I saw a group of people lining up next to a cart selling crepes that looked delicious. When he seemed to want to eat, two gangsters in floral shirts came over.

The bench they were sitting on was somewhat remote, and was mostly surrounded by bushes. No one noticed what was happening in this small corner.

"Yo!" The little gangster wearing sunglasses hooked his fingers, slid the sunglasses to his nose, whistled to Enoshima Shimakawa and said with a frivolous face: "Little beauty, you are playing here alone, do you want to let me go? Brother, will you accompany me?" He directly ignored Edogawa Ranpo and Nakahara Chuuya next to Enoshima Shimakawa. After all, one looked like a weakling with no fighting ability, let alone the other dwarf, laughing Death is not visible at all.

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