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☆ 91. Bomb

heard the police's voice, and the robbers in the store were shocked. No one wanted to respond to the police outside. They just looked at each other. Rabbit Mask even asked Panda Mask in a rough voice: "Are you talking about us?" Do you have at least half an hour? Why did the police come so fast!"

Panda Mask was also surprised by the speed of the police's arrival. When asked by his companions, he impatiently replied: "You ask me who should I ask?"

Tiger Mask He began to break up the fight: "Okay, now is not the time to talk about this." As he said this, he moved his gaze to the hostages squatting quietly in the corner, "I suspect that someone here hid a mobile phone and called the police."

Listen. At the words of Tiger Mask, everyone who originally had a look of anticipation on their faces when they heard the arrival of the police began to panic. When they saw Tiger Mask picking up his hand/gun and pointing it at them, the panic reached a climax. peak.

People outside were still shouting, but people inside the store had no time to listen to what the police were saying.

Some people began to cry for mercy to Tiger Mask, saying that they had indeed handed over their mobile phones and it was definitely not them who reported it to the police.

But Tiger Mask remained unmoved. The gun in his hand swept over the hostages one by one. The faces of those who were pointed at by the black muzzle turned pale, and they relaxed when the muzzle was removed from their bodies. The tone left a cold sweat.

When a man was pointed at gunpoint, he suddenly became agitated. The man grabbed the female companion beside him and said to the tiger mask: "It's her! She has the habit of carrying two mobile phones with her. She must have called the police!" It was pointed out that there was

a mobile phone hidden on her body. The woman looked at her boyfriend who was holding on to her in disbelief and shouted in a low voice: "Kazhu, are you crazy!"

"I'm not crazy!" Seeing the woman looking at him with disappointed eyes, the man instinctively felt sorry for him. He defended himself: "I'm just explaining the facts."

As if to seek recognition, he looked around him, but saw that other people had distanced themselves from him at some unknown time, and the people around him were actually A small circle of open space appeared!

Looking up again, he found that everyone looked at him with deep contempt and disdain.

The man who was still confident at first suddenly started to dodge under these eyes.

Tiger Mask ignored the inner activities of these hostages and walked straight towards the woman who had hidden her mobile phone.

Seeing that the situation at the scene began to become chaotic, although the aunt and nephew holding the bomb were not disturbed by the sudden arrival of the police, they were frightened by the robbers' arrest of the policeman. They could barely hold on. The bodies of the two people, who were living calmly, began to tremble slightly.

This can't go on!

Seeing the woman being dragged out of the crowd by the tiger mask, Matsuda Jinpei gritted his teeth and decided to stand up and admit that he was the one who called the police.

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