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☆ 89. Mission of the organization

Organizational Mission

Watching Shionohashi Na's figure disappear into the building, Rei Furitani, who was observing from a distance, lowered his head and typed out a message on his cell phone: confirming that "Pandora" has been transferred to others by the target.

The message was sent, and while waiting for a reply, Rei Fukutani raised his head and turned his gaze to the young couple who were sticking together.

Enoshima Shimokawa put his hands around Edogawa Ranpo's waist, and Edogawa Ranpo also put his hands on Enoshima Shimokawa's shoulders and held her in his arms. I don't know what Edogawa Ranpo said to Enoshima Shimakawa, which made her giggle, stand on her tiptoes, and a kiss naturally fell on Edogawa Ranpo's cheek.

Regardless of their postures like conjoined twins or their intimate actions, the two of them caused enough critical blows to the innocent singles passing by around them.

Rei Fukutani turned his attention to the small bag that Enoshima Shimakawa was carrying across his body with a bit of grit. Who would have thought that such an ordinary light pink bag actually contained a valuable cat's eye gem? Woolen cloth?

Moreover, this cat's eye gem is still a suspicious existence that is focused on by the organization for unknown reasons.

Yes, Rei Fukutani's sudden departure without saying goodbye was indeed related to the black organization as Conan Edogawa guessed, but it was not because of Edogawa Ranpo, but because he suddenly received a mission from the organization.

The task required him to monitor a person named Shiono Hashina, and focus on a green cat-eye gem named "Pandora" by the organization.

The coordinates of Shionohashina and "Pandora" given by the organization at that time were exactly the Skytree!

For a moment, Fang Guliu thought he had been exposed, but he soon calmed down.

He is currently using the identity of Rei Fukutani. Even if organized people see him and Mouri Kogoro together at the scene, they can fool them by finding an excuse to collect intelligence afterwards.

And if his identity as a police undercover agent was really revealed, then it would be more than just a simple matter of monitoring Shionohashi Na as a warning. He would have to meet Gin no matter what.

When he thought that his head was not pointed at by Bo/Lai/Ta, Fang Guling was instantly relieved, but just in case, he could no longer be so upright.

Without bothering to explore why Edogawa Ranpo, a member of the Port Mafia, appeared in Tokyo, Rei Fukitani quietly retreated while everyone's attention was on Moori Kogoro, hiding in the dark to search for the man who was being organized. Shionohashi Na was listed as the mission target.

When Rei Fukiya discovered that Shionohashi Na was actually the client this time, he was very glad that he retreated in time. But at the same time, he also found out that the bodyguard named Fukuzawa Yukichi who was following Shionohashina was extraordinary. Several times he felt that he had been discovered, until he shifted all his attention to another person who was there. After getting the green cat's eye gem that was highlighted in the mission, his situation became much better.

However, this situation only lasted until Shionohashina gave the gem to Enoshima Shimakawa.

Fukutani Rei's intuition told him that if he stayed like this, it would be a matter of time before he was caught by Fukuzawa Yukichi. After weighing the situation, he decided to exit the restaurant and guard the entrance and exit downstairs.

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