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☆ 38. “That thing”

"That thing."

After Enoshima Shimakawa said, she immediately pulled the trigger quickly. She did not stop shooting until all the bullets in the magazine were fired.

Not many, four shots in total.

The person she shot at, Nagito Komaeda, was shot, and his limbs were stained with blood.

Both legs were shot, and Nagito Komaeda could no longer stand on the ground. His arms were soaked in red and could not support the weight of his upper body. He lay down in a large shape with blood flowing all over the floor.

Feeling the pain coming from his limbs, and recalling the confrontation between him and Enoshima Junko, Nagito Komaeda thought to himself, it is indeed "Enoshima", it is always so unexpected.

"Wow wow wow!" Osamu Dazai exaggeratedly jumped to the side after firing the gun at Enoshima Shimakawa. He patted his chest with lingering fear and said, "Shimakawa, it's scary for you to suddenly shoot like this." He just said But standing right behind Nagito Komaeda, if there was a slight deviation, he might be the one who was shot and fell to the ground.

Enoshima Shimakawa stuck out his tongue at Dazai Osamu: "Sorry, I was a little excited for a while, so I forgot you were here." After all, for a lucky person like Komaeda Nagito, Enoshima Shimakawa is still the first See you once. But judging from his performance just now, that's it, otherwise he would never let himself be hit by a bullet.

On the other hand, Edogawa Ranpo quietly left the place of right and wrong immediately after giving his gun to Enoshima Shimokawa, and did not slowly pace back until he saw Nagito Komaeda falling to the ground.

This is a duel between "lucky". If you are not careful, you may become the tool of "lucky", so you have to stay away.

Seeing Edogawa Ranpo walking towards him who was hiding far away, Dazai Osamu immediately looked at this person who was very unloved by his compatriots. Edogawa Ranpo, who was also a cadre, naturally pretended not to see it. He walked to Enoshima Shimakawa and said with great concern: "Shimakawa, are you okay?" Although anyone with a discerning eye can see who is in trouble, the necessary concern is still necessary.

Seeing Edogawa running wildly, Enoshima Shimakawa immediately opened his arms and asked for a loving hug: "Running running wildly, did you see that my 'super luck' is even more powerful than Kashiwada's!" What if? If the "lucky" strength of the two is equal, or if Nagito Komaeda is luckier than Shimakawa Enoshima, then Nagito Komaeda cannot be hit by Enoshima Shimakawa with a single shot.

Nagito Komaeda's "luck" was enough to save his life. After all, every shot she fired was aimed at Nagito Komaeda's head.

Edogawa Ranpo calmly took the hands that Enoshima Shimakawa asked for a hug, and changed the hug to holding hands. Osamu Dazai looked at the hands they were holding, with an expression on his face that seemed to be smiling. Not smiling.

Edogawa Ranpo didn't bother to care what Dazai Osamu was doing there. He touched Enoshima Shimakawa's head and praised: "It's true, Shimakawa is very powerful."

Ah! I was praised by Ranpo! Happy, happy, so happy!

Seeing that his precise "strike" successfully made Enoshima Shimakawa forget the existence of Nagito Komaeda, Edogawa Ranpo winked at Osamu Dazai.

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