Introduction 5. A few changed details

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Now for the details I have changed about the franchise. There are a few things I needed to change to better suit the story I plan to tell.

The first thing is Muzan's ability to read the minds of demons. Muzan has been shown to have the ability to read the minds of at least some of the demons, if not all of them. In this rewrite, he is unable to read the minds of demons. I cannot say why, as it is a spoiler for the story I am about to tell, but the story would not work without removing this ability of his.

I'm also going to change a lot about the breathing techniques. In the original franchise, using a breathing technique does not actually create the element or give the user any elemental powers or effects. However, in this rewrite, the breathing techniques, Ice Breathing especially, are going to create their respective elements and grant their users elemental powers and/or effects. I'm sure this also explains a lot of the Ice Breathing forms that I explained in the third introduction chapter.

In this story, Mist Breathing is derived from Water Breathing, NOT Wind Breathing. It makes no sense at all for it to be derived from Wind Breathing when mist is LITERALLY A FORM OF WATER. I have no fucking clue why the writer made it come from Wind Breathing in the original because it makes no sense for it to come from anywhere but Water Breathing.

Lastly, I'm going to change something major about the demons. In the original, Muzan being killed would mean the death for all of the other demons. However, I am changing this. Muzan's death does not mean the death of all other demons. Muzan is still the only demon able to create other demons, meaning his death would spell the end of demon creation, as he is the only demon capable of making other demons, but it would not spell the immediate and abrupt end of all demons in the world.

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