Season 3 Episode 2. Kokushibo, Muichiro's ancestor

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Muichiro and Gyomei were traveling through the Infinity Castle together.

"Muzan Kibutsuji is nearby!" Gyomei said to Muichiro. "Don't let your guard down!"

Suddenly, a portion of the wall shoved Muichiro to a different part of the Infinity Castle, separating him and Gyomei.

"Tokito-san!" Gyomei called.

"Never mind me!" Muichiro called back. "Go!"

Muichiro was dropped down into a different room full of strange pillars.

He heard a deep voice talking to him. It was upper rank 1.

"You came, demon slayer," Kokushibo, upper rank 1, said. "And for some reason... you seem familiar."

"This is upper rank 1," Muichiro thought. "He can't be compared to any other demon I've seen... he's immensely powerful even for an upper rank. He's profound. Majestic, even. And his sword... it's distorted... but he has a katana. Perhaps he WAS... a demon slayer? And a considerably skilled one at that..."

"You... your name... what is it?" Kokushibo asked.

"Muichiro Tokito," Muichiro replied.

"I see..." Kokushibo trailed off. "Then... that confirms my suspicions."

"Suspicions?" Muichiro asked.

"You are my other descendant," Kokushibo replied.

"I'm his descendant!?" Muichiro thought. "Then... he was a swordsman who used first breathing!? Wait... OTHER descendant? What does he mean by that? No. I've got to stay calm. Don't panic. It doesn't matter. Just stay calm."

Muichiro slowed his breathing, and calmed himself down before he could panic.

"Your mental fortitude... is excellent," Kokushibo said. "In a mere moment, you were able to completely calm yourself."

"Mist Breathing, second form," Muichiro breathed deeply. "Eight layered mist!"

Muichiro lunged at Kokushibo, swinging his sword eight times in the blink of an eye.

At what appeared to be the speed of light, Kokushibo dodged and appeared behind Muichiro.

"That's a pretty good move," Kokushibo said. "Mist, huh? Not bad. No, not bad at all..."

"Mist Breathing, fifth form," Muichiro breathed deeply. "Sea of clouds and haze!"

Kokushibo effortlessly dodged again, and appeared away from Muichiro.

"Muichiro... you are 14 years old, correct?" Kokushibo asked. "Such excellent and developed swordsmanship, and you're still so young. You were frightened at first, but had the courage to suppress your fear and attack me. You are indeed of my blood."

"Are you kidding me?" Muichiro asked. "Even if I am your descendant, after hundreds of years, there isn't a single drop of your blood left in me!"

Kokushibo noticed that the mark had appeared on Muichiro.

"Mist Breathing, seventh form," Muichiro breathed deeply. "Obscuring clouds!"

Muichiro was shrouded in mist, and appeared to disappear.

"I've never seen this technique before," Kokushibo thought. "Of all the Mist Breathing users I've ever come across, none of them used techniques like this."

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