Elena Gilbert

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Stefan wasn't sure how his first day at Mystic Falls High School would go, especially since his excitement was now replaced with anger and uneasiness. He was thankful that he was shown what life was going to be like if he took the path that led to being with the doppelganger, because despite there being good times, not only did he suffer in the end but so did his older brother. He only ever wanted Damon to be happy but instead, he watched as his brother gave up his immortality, was cheated on by his wife and then murdered by her boyfriend. Stefan could handle being the focus of pain, whether that's emotional or physical but he always hated having to witness his brother being given that treatment, it pained him beyond words.

However, he was glad that Damon got a second chance and not only was he able to change their lives and what was to come, but he found someone who cared about him. That someone just so happens to be the most powerful being to walk this earth and was the female Harry Potter, which was the most shocking thing for Stefan since he was secretly a huge fan of the books. Stefan genuinely liked the witch, she was bubbly, kind and funny but also protective and intimidating, and she seemed to be able to make Damon laugh and smile more than anyone he had ever seen, including him.

Stefan was currently in his bedroom, showered, dressed and looking in the mirror with a small frown on his face. The time to leave for school was drawing closer and yet, he found himself wanting to stay with Damon and Violet.

"What's up, Grumpy" Violet's reflection appears in his mirror, wearing a knee-length tight emerald dress with a subtle dip neckline.

"Grumpy? Really?" Stefan chuckled as Violet flashed him a wide grin. She approached him and he turned around, a sigh leaving his lips.

"Talk to me, Stef"

"My whole goal was to get to know Elena but now... now I don't even want to look at her, let alone be in the same building" He slumped on his bed, his face in his hands. He looked to his right when he felt the bed dip, seeing Violet smiling softly at him.

"I understand, Stefan but think of it as a new start. You finally have a relationship with your brother, one you've been hoping for, for many years. Mystic Falls can be your home, Stef. Build friendships and maybe even find your epic love" His green eyes appeared to be in a daze, his thoughts swirling with all the opportunities that he could have simply by staying in Mystic Falls, along with his brother and Violet.

"You're right. Thank you, Vi" He pulled her into a tight hug, making her laugh lightly.

"Go on, Steffy. Get going but please, buy some ice cream on the way home" Stefan chuckled with a shake of his head, amused by her obsession with ice cream.

"got it"

Stefan drove to Mystic Falls High School and as he walked towards the main doors, he noticed all the looks he was receiving but ignored them. His green eyes, however, fell upon a certain blonde he recognised in Damon's memories. Caroline Forbes, the woman he had fallen in love with and married. He wasn't sure if that would happen this time around but he most definitely at least wanted a friendship with the girl. He offered her a kind smile, chuckling under his breath when her eyes lit up and a bright smile of her own appeared on her face.

"Hold up. Who's this?" Stefan heard from behind him as he waited patiently for the woman in the school office to finish her paperwork.

"All I see is back" His body tenses when a familiar voice answered. Elena Gilbert. His hands clenched at his side and he stops himself from wanting to tear out her throat, knowing that it wouldn't end well for him or the two people he felt back at home.

"It's a hot back" Stefan bites his lip to stop himself from laughing, and when he takes a subtle sniff of the air he is immediately hit with a witch's scent, though it is most definitely brand new. He quickly realised that the other girl was Bonnie Bennet, a descendant of his old friend, Emily.

"Your records are incomplete. You're missing immunization records, and we do insist on transcripts" The secretary explained, looking at him from over her glasses that were perched on the edge of her nose.

"Please look again. I'm sure everything you need is there" He compelled as he looked deeply into the woman's eyes, which became foggy for a moment before clearing up.

"Well, you're right. It is" The woman announced lightly, a warm smile on her face.

"I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar" Bonnie predicts, her eyes firmly on Stefan's back and completely missing the annoyed look on her best friend's face.

"You're really going to run with this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?" Elena laughed slightly, which Stefan immediately knew was fake.

"Pretty much" The witch shrugged, glancing at Elena from the corner of her eyes as she too recognised the falseness in her friend's laugh.

"I'll be right back" Bonnie watched as Elena stormed after her younger brother, Jeremy. She felt sorry for the boy, he was young and still grieving the loss of his parents, even if he was not doing so in the best way but she knew people grieved differently. Elena decided to push things to the side and try to fill the spot of parental figure for Jeremy, though she was rather overbearing with it.

"Please be hot" She mumbled to herself as she returned her attention to the figure in the office. Her back straightened as he turned to leave, her eyes widening at the sight of his green eyes and handsome features.

"Hello" Stefan greeted her with a smile before moving past, a deep blush appearing on her face as she watched him walk down the hall.

Stefan remembered what and where his first meeting with Elena occurred and decided to avoid the bathroom at all costs. He did see her walk out of the men's restroom and storm down the hall, her face screwed up in annoyance.

He made his way to his first lesson which was history, noticing Elena and Bonnie already occupying a couple of seats in the middle. He felt the brunette's eyes burning into him as he walked past her, deciding to take a seat at the back of the room.

"Once our home state of Virginia joined the confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. People in Virginia's northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union" Mr Tanner spoke with a tone of boredom as he looked at the students around the room. Stefan kept his eyes firmly on the front but noticed Elena looking over her shoulder at him a few times which he completely ignored.


Bonnie looked down at her phone, a small frown on her face as she glanced between the new student and Elena. She had seen the looks her friend was giving Stefan Salvator but was also surprised to see that he didn't even spare her a glance, which was odd since many males in school lusted over her friend.


Elena glared down at her phone, her hands clenching over the phone before looking over her shoulder and glaring at Bonnie. The girl lowers her head instantly, hating the venom in Elena's brown doe-eyes. Stefan, noticing the exchange narrowed his eyes at the brunette, his hatred for the girl increasing as time went on.

The bell rang through the school, signalling the end of the day. Stefan was walking through the corridors towards the main doors before a figure jumped in his way, making him stop abruptly. His fists instantly clenched at the sight of Elena Gilbert, smiling brightly up at him as she fluttered her eyelashes.

"Hi! I'm Elena, and you must be..."

"Not interested" He responded coldly, attempting to move around her but was once again cut off as she stepped in his way.

"Come on. Where's the harm in getting a drink together" Stefan cringed back as she began twirling her hair around her finger and biting her bottom lip, trying to seem as seductive as possible.

"He said he's not interested"

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