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At the Gilbert household, Jeremy and his aunt, Jenna had spent a good few hours the night before listening to Elena complain about a girl named Violet, who had apparently, taken Bonnie and Caroline away from her. It was pretty clear to the two that her story was only based on her point of view and there was most likely more to it than Elena wanted to admit, especially since the brunette often found herself being called out on her lies.

"Do I look like an adult? As in respectfully parental?" Jenna questioned the two teenagers as they made their way into the kitchen.

"Depends on where you're going" Elena grumbled as she eyed her aunt's outfit with hidden disgust.

"Jeremy's parent-teacher conference" Jenna sent Jeremy a half-hearted glare, earning a shrug from the tired boy who had spent most of the night high in his room.

"Seriously? Already"

"Don't you start" Jeremy scoffed and stormed back upstairs to get ready for the day, his patience with his sister getting thinner as the days went on. Ever since his parents died, she elected herself as his parental figure which was downright ridiculous in his eyes since she was only a few years older than him and he already had his aunt Jenna to take the role. She was overbearing, to say the least, and would not just leave him to grieve the way he wanted.

Later that day in history class, Elena was seen staring intensely at Stefan as thoughts of their soon-to-be relationship swarmed her mind. Stefan grew more frustrated as time went on and it was beginning to get more difficult to not compel her away from him or to downright kill her.

" Originally discovered nearly 5 centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over 145 years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration. Are we bothering you, Ms. Gilbert?" Tanner glared at Stefan with a look of pure jealousy in his eyes, making the youngest Salvator scoff under his breath.

It wasn't long until they finished the lesson, Stefan and Bonnie exiting the room as they talked and laughed with one another, both not noticing the harsh glare aimed at them. They soon found Caroline discussing some cheerleading techniques with the squad, though as captain, she quickly dismissed them and excitedly skipped towards Bonnie and Stefan. The two girls had made it their mission to welcome Stefan and become his new friends, and whilst he appreciated the effort, it often got a little overwhelming since he had never made friends so quickly before.

"You should try out for the team" Caroline said out of the blue, earning confused looks from Bonnie and Stefan. "What?"

"I don't think I'd make much of a cheerleader, Caroline" Bonnie giggled behind her hand as she quickly caught onto what their blonde friend was suggesting. Caroline glared half-heartedly at the youngest Salvatore and when she noticed he hadn't understood what she meant, she let out a huff.

"The football team! I meant, the football team"

"Oh! Yeah... no" Stefan continued to walk down the hall, the sound of Bonnie's laughter following close behind and Caroline's small unhappy mumbles made his lips twitch in amusement.


Meanwhile, Damon was watching as Violet wrote an important letter to the Gringotts bank in Britain, requesting a meeting with the head goblin who managed her family accounts.

"Wait, don't you use... owls to send letters?" Violet looked up from the letter, her bright green eyes staring at him in amusement.

"Yes, and?"

"Do you own an owl? I haven't seen one" Violet chuckled under her breath and gestured for him to follow her, leading him outside into their front yard. She let out a loud whistle and stood quietly, ignoring the confused look from Damon.

His Magical Helper [Damon Salvatore]Where stories live. Discover now