One in the same

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I'm sorry everyone, this is a Short chapter but I wanted to release a chapter, it's been a while 😩🤣 I hope you enjoy!

Damon and Violet spent the next few days looking through and visiting all the available properties that would be suited for their new business. They were selective, finding some either too small for what they had envisioned or not safe enough, being that the building was run down and in a complete state. They started to feel disheartened until they arrived at the second-to-last property, and almost immediately Damon and Violet knew this was the one.

The bar was black glittery marble and stood in the middle of the ground floor, with a large pillar in the middle of the square for all the bottles of alcohol that'll be available for the customers. Around the room were different booths with mini tables that had built-in spaces for buckets that would be filled with ice to keep the bottles cool. The room also held tables of all sizes for either lesser parties or for those who plan to eat. What caught their attention, however, was not only the Balcony that wraps around the room with even more seating but also the curtain at the back of the bar that leads to a hallway. This hallway has around ten doors and each has booths that are available for private parties.

"The furniture is old, the bar and floors chipping away and the Chandelier looks about ready to drop but... I think this is the place" Violet looked around with a large smile, envisioning all that they could do with the place.

"Any ideas what we'd call the place?" Damon wondered as he walked around, observing the spacious bar even further.

"Hm... the blood Mary?" She suggested and giggled as Damon's face scrunched up in disgust.

"No, definitely not"

"The Blood Cauldron?"

"Are you trying to get us caught?"

"Moon Knight club? But spelt K-N-I-G-H-T" Damon pondered for a moment and looked around, before shrugging with a smile.

"Moon Knight club, it is" Violet cheered and jumped into his arms, her limbs wrapping around him in a tight embrace which he responded just as eagerly.

"I'll contact Ragnok but we need to write down all the ideas we have"

The pair spent the next few days throwing different ideas at each other for the Moon Knight club and even took into consideration a few of Stefan's suggestions. When taking breaks, they spent a lot of time with Bonnie, Caroline and Jeremy, who had become somewhat attached to the immortal witch. She would take walks with him, have movie nights and even drawing sessions to help with his depression now that he has slowly begun to stop the drugs and alcohol.


Bonnie was standing in Caroline's kitchen, opening the pizza boxes that had just arrived. Things have been a little difficult for her recently, strange occurrences have been happening and she wasn't sure who to talk to. She loved Caroline but the girl could be a little... dismissive of people's feelings and problems, and though she would usually go to Elena about such issues, their friendship hadn't been the same since Violet had arrived in town. It wasn't the woman's fault, Violet was an amazing person in her eyes and always went out of her way to help those who needed it and that was why Bonnie could finally see who Elena truly was. Don't get her wrong, she always knew the brunette was a little self-centred and jealous but it was as though Violet's presence had opened Bonnie's eyes to more of Elena's toxic traits and her tolerance for it was dimming as days went on.

"You explain it. Last night, I watched Nine-o, a commercial break came on and I'm like, I bet it's that phone commercial. And sure enough, it's that guy and the girl with the bench, he flies to Paris and he flies back. They take a picture" Bonnie explains her prediction to the blonde, who scoffs in amusement.

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