The harsh truth

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Later that evening, Caroline had pulled Bonnie and Elena into handing out pamphlets, and whilst the three had been friends since they were children, the atmosphere between them was rather awkward.

"Tonight, the night of the comet! Would you like a program?" Bonnie spoke in feigned excitement as she handed a pamphlet to an old married couple, who smiled brightly at the girl in response as they took one.

"Hey! I got you candles" Caroline's voice caught their attention as she approached with three candles in hand and a bright smile on her face.

"Thanks, care" Bonnie couldn't help but giggle at her friend's excitement, her positive energy had always been contagious and she felt relieved that it overtook the awkwardness.

"Have you seen Damon, Stef or Violet yet?" The blonde questioned and the two noticed the eager attention they were now receiving from Elena, who was eavesdropping a small distance away.

"They should be here any minute. Violet stopped off to get cupcakes and ice cream" Bonnie rolled her eyes fondly, feeling amused by Violet's obsession with the sweet treats.

"But it's cold! How can she eat ice cream?" Caroline questioned in shock and received a small shrug from a grinning Bonnie.

"Guess who's here bitches!" Bonnie and Caroline's heads snapped to their right, large smiles forming on their faces at the beautiful raven-haired woman who was excitedly approaching with the two amused brothers following close behind.

"I got some ice cream! You want some?" Violet asked, earning giggles from the two girls who rejected her offer, making the witch shrug before consuming the cold treat.

They spent an hour or so outside before retreating to the grill, the Salvatore brothers and Violet ignoring the intense looks they were receiving from Elena who had decided to join them all in one of the booths. Violet was introduced to Tyler Lockwood and Matt Donovan and found them both to be nice enough, though Tyler was a little hot-headed whilst Matt simply pinned pitifully after the Doppelganger.

"Has anyone seen Vicki?" Jeremy Gilbert questioned hysterically as he approached their table.

"You're her stalker, you tell us"

Ignoring Tyler's comment, Jeremy continued to look around the grill with a deep frown. "I can't find her"

"She probably found somebody else to party with. Sorry, pill pusher, I guess you've been replaced" Violet, Damon and Stefan all glared at the untriggered werewolf, who immediately lowered his head the moment he made eye contact with the beautiful raven-haired woman.

"What's with the pill pusher?" Elena hissed, looking between her brother and Tyler, the former avoiding all eye contact with her.

"Ask him" Tyler mumbled, his eyes glaring at the table nervously as he felt the intense stares that remained focused on him.

"You wanna do this right now?" Jeremy snapped, glaring hatefully at Tyler, who raised his head with a small smirk.

Elena stood from her chair with her hands on her hips, staring at her brother with a disappointed look on her face. "Are you dealing?"

With an annoyed sigh, Violet spoke up "Must you shout? This is a conversation that I'm sure Jeremy would rather be private, and you raising your voice in the middle of a public place will only cause arguments"

"No one asked you!" Elena screamed furiously, earning both curious and annoyed looks from those on tables nearby. It was then that Jeremy realised who the woman was in front of him, his eyes widened slightly as he looked between Violet and Elena.

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