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"We hacked down Jiho's system

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"We hacked down Jiho's system. It took us 3 days, dude" Dino let out a exasperated sigh, stretching his hands. The 'Watchers' were busy with hunting down Kim Jiho and hacking his system. After 3 whole days, they finally managed to break through the well-built and guarded system consisting of all his information and work related business.

"He's going to Japan the next day" Jun announced as he sat himself down besides Seungkwan who was rummaging through some papers. "He'll probably stay in his mansion that he owns in Okinawa" JunYeong who had entered with Seungcheol and Joshua, informed them.

"Okinawa?" Jeonghan who was helping Seungkwan put forth his exclaimation. "We need to go then" Seungcheol slammed the files that were in his hands on the table. "I don't agree with it" Mingyu interjected, "And if I may ask? Why is that?" The tension between Seungcheol and Mingyu didn't decrease even an inch.

"Because I'm busy with my engagement preparations" The both of them were in a fierce battle of eye contact, fire burning through them. "Guys" Wonwoo being the one to have witnessed everything the day before, tried easing the traction between them.

"What's going on with this two?" Dino whispered to Jun who was right besides him who in return gave a shrug due to his unbriefness on the matter. The pair kept arguing back and forth, fury evident on their faces.

"You should leave then!" the leader's words made everyone halt all their activities and thoughts. Mingyu stood there with his mouth agape, stuttering, "What-t?" Seungcheol only shook his head, clearly disappointed and upset.

"If you can't fucking know how to handle your time for your group" looking straight at his eyes, "Then leave" Hoshi immediately intervened after his articulation, "Hyung, our little brother is getting engaged and soon marrying" He tried sounding excited but he wasn't even one bit.

"I don't give a damn about that. We're going to Japan tonight. Those who wish to join are free to" Seungcheol was about to step out of the room but his feet came to a screeching halt when he heard Mingyu say, "You were always so selfish, weren't you?"

"Only thinking about your own happiness and forgetting that people have lives outside following your orders" Dokyeom placed a hand on Mingyu's chest that was heaving up and down due to his rapid heartbeat.

"Selfish?" the leader scoffed at his assertion, "You're the one to talk" rolling his eyes, he strided to Mingyu. "Moving on from a girl that you said you loved, a girl you want to marry one day and have kids with. Don't fucking kid me, Kim Mingyu... Don't.

That girl was my fucking sister. One who I had found after so many years and it didn't even take minutes to watch her and Minghao being burnt to mere ashes in that explosion" Tears streamed down his cheeks as he gave up on erasing it's traces.

"What am I supposed to do? Wait for someone that I know won't ever return? So FUCKING hilarious" Jeonghan was quick to quieten down the younger one, "So you should've refrained from making empty promises that you know you couldn't keep" Seungcheol stabbed his finger at Mingyu's chest with every word he implored.

" 'Wait for you my whole life' My foot!" and with that, quietude descended in the room, "Seungcheol that's enough" Joshua tried taking the male away but he stood his ground.

"No,you should be happy. That's what she would've probably wanted" he was talking as if he had a split personality, "Really fuck you though" Seungcheol flipped off at him before storming off.

"You don't need to mind his words, Mingyu-yah" Woozi tried persuading the younger one who just shook his head, muttering under his breath. "He's right but I can't go back now and I don't wish to go back" the members had expected Mingyu to take the harsh words to his heart but he didn't.

"If she loved me, she shouldn't have left in the very first place" Mingyu talked as if it was all Yiseul's plan of action that was initialised and Jeonghan being fully in love with her, wanted to swing a punch at him right there.

"Watch your mouth when you talk about them"

"Watch your mouth when you talk about them"

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