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"I was designated to pick up an order of ammunitions from a dealer that has it's factory situated deep in the woods, the area where Myungho and Yiseul were held captive

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"I was designated to pick up an order of ammunitions from a dealer that has it's factory situated deep in the woods, the area where Myungho and Yiseul were held captive." Hyungwon explained his whereabouts on the day of Seungcheol's grand birthday party.

Yiseul glanced around the room at her members, eager to notice their various expressions. The female expected atleast one empathizing face but found none. Minghao sensing her weary demeanor, squeezed her hand that were enlaced with his own.

The MonstaX member expounded the series of events that had led to his encounter with the pair. "They were badly injured, barely concious and standing. The forged alliance between our gangs was another thing but our friendship was another matter that eventually led me to help them."

Minghao winced at the awful memories of that night, uanble to erase it from his mind. "Your members knew?" Seungcheol dropped his question, "No,they didn't. It was just me"

The answer made the members of SVT doubtful. "It was the last thing Yiseul had begged of me before slipping out of concious." Now all the attention was diverted towards the only girl in the room.

"With the way Woosung had been plotting things out, I knew he was connected to Cha Junjae. I knew people would probably place a bounty over our heads and I was also aware that both of us with so many injuries would be in a vulnerable spot. We won't be able to fight if there arose a situation as such and so I had requested Hyungwon Oppa to keep us hidden"

"You shouldn't have done this though" the harsh tone in Woozi's words, made Yiseul lower her eyes, afraid to look them in the eye. "You don't know how much each one of us suffered because of your loss" The crack in Wonwoo's voice made both of their heads snap towards the older one.

"What did you want them to do then? Pop out and probably die for real this time?" Hyungwon' words were biting them down, finding total truth in them. "I imagined that seeing them you'll would welcome them back with open arms but-"

The stray tear dropping down Yiseul's face was immediately wiped away by her. Still the same Yiseul, afterall. "You would've done that if it was one of your members?"

Hyungwon passed on a big grin at Vernon's inquiry, "Willingly and Happily" Taking a deep breath in, he spoke again. "I can take care of them all my life if you'll can't accept them"

Minghao and Yiseul's heart swelled up at his words. Though Minghao knew Hyungwon way before and was close to him, Yiseul had only encountered him once or twice before. She wasn't ready to believe that a man outside of her own family was willing to accept her rather than her own loved ones.

"Their dynamics hold power that no one else has" The leader just sighed, unable to make a decision. "Hyung it's fine" Tapping his hands over Hyungwon' shoulders, Minghao tried easing him down.

"Can't believe they are still skeptical" Grabbing both of them with him, Hyungwon was about to head out. "Let's go" Looking back at the members, "To our home" He emphasised the word 'HOME', trying to slap them with a sense of reality.

"I would like to perform A DNA test though" Hyungwon could only scoff at Seungcheol's preposition, "You are free to but" he paused. "Till then they are staying with me" About to walk out for real this time, the trio halted again at Jeonghan's words.

"They can stay here, right?" his voice pleaded to his members, desperate to get their approval. Though being one of the most skeptical and the one with higher trust issues, Jeonghan was being lenient this time.

Jeonghan couldn't contain himself after witnessing the return of his beloved members. "They can stay with us, at our mansion" Joshua looked towards the leader for his opinion.

"Our mansion?" The exclaimation made them nod, "We left this place long time back" Jun incurred. "But hyung-" Mingyu wasn't pleased with the idea because anger was riding his mind. He was down in a bad mood.

"I'll drive them there to avoid any awkward or embarrassing interactions" Yiseul internally thanked Hyungwon at his proposal and so did Minghao.


LOST YET FOUND: II (SVT MAFIA AU)Where stories live. Discover now