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Yiseul felt the weight pressing her down suddenly lighten

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Yiseul felt the weight pressing her down suddenly lighten. A pair of hands yanked her up, quickly engulfing her in a bone crushing hug. "You're okay, right?" A yet so familiar voice, worriedly inquired without letting the female go.

"Min-ah?!" Yiseul, though in pain reciprocated the embrace even tighter. "Is t-that really y-you?" She couldn't believe that it was really her bestfriend who she hadn't been talking to her all this time. "It's alright!" Dokyeom gently ran his hands through her hair, easing all her pain away.

Yiseul heard screams and yells resounding through the restaurant, alerting her. "WE NEED TO GO! NOW!" Dokyeom grabbed her hands and ushered her outside, Yiseul unable to process anything around her.

There were people running around for their lives as multiple bullets were being fired. The gunshots were echoing throughout the place. Following his lead, Yiseul ducked down every now and then as bullets flew right past them.

"Here!" Hiding behind a wall, Dokyeom handed her a gun. "They know you're back" Yiseul recalled the men who held her captive and their threatening words. "A bounty is set for me" She ran her fingers on the surface of the cold metal, suddenly reminscing how she had a past with the weapon.

"Haneul is safe with Shua Hyung! And we need to reach the mansion" Dokyeom held her cheeks, "Safe and Sound" He placed a sweet kiss on her forehead.

Unknowingly, tears flew down her eyes as she felt great comfort with her bestfriends presence. "Fire at anyone who tries to aim at you" Nodding at his words, "On the count of 3"

The moment they ducked from behind the wall, bullets zoomed right at them. Dodging and ducking at each of them, the pair fired their guns. Dokyeom gestured towards the entrance of the restaurant only with his eyes and Yiseul right away understood what he meant.

"YISEUL!!" Dokyeom yelled as she was distracted with the male, a bullet piercing her shoulder. Yiseul groaned in agony, the pain spreading all across her hand.

Even though in pain she shot the last man down and rushed towards the entrance with Dokyeom right on her tail. Without looking back, the two hurried towards the male's car. Dokyeom threw himself in the driver's seat while Yiseul shuffled in the passenger one, grunting and groaning in pain.

"ARE YOU OKAY?" Dokyeom yelled over the revving sound of the engine of the sports car, the male zooming the vehicle out of the amusement park. "I'll b-be fine" Smacking her head against the headrest, Yiseul couldn't help the tears that were flowing down her cheek bones.

The bullet was still lodged inside her shoulder blade due to the swift motions she was caught up in the chaos at the time when she got shot, the bullet was unable to pass through her body. "Is it still lodged inside?" Dokyeom held her vacant hand, caressing her skin.

Even with a slight nod, Yiseul felt the nerves and veins connecting her shoulder blade and her neck about to burst open causing the girl to wince in pain. "We are almost here" Yiseul gazed outside the window, noticing the road near the mansion.

"DON'T SLEEP, OKAY?" Dokyeom couldn't help but be concerned at the state of Yiseul's eyes closing at an alarming rate. Yiseul knew it would be bad if she fell asleep but her vision kept blurring and Dokyeom's voice kept getting muffled.

By the time Dokyeom pulled over in the driveway of the mansion, Yiseul had slipped out of her consciousness. The amount of blood she had been loosing was tremendous.

Immediately rushing to carry her inside, he saw a perplexed Jeonghan pacing around the room with Joshua sat with his head in his hands. "Yiseul?!" Joshua exclaimed at their presence, Jeonghan hurrying towards the pair, worried and sweating gallons.

"Call Dr. Jang! NOW" and with that, Dokyeom bolted towards the infirmary with Yiseul tightly clutched in his hands. He was in state of panic, he couldn't lose her all over again. He was determined to protect her life at all costs this time, along with Minghao's.

The bullet was soon plucked out of her shoulder and Yiseul had regained consciousness, now sitting with a sobbing Haneul in her hands who was beyond terrified.

"I'm alright" Rubbing a comforting hand over his back, Yiseul tried soothing the child which worked almost instantly as Haneul fell asleep right away.

"Poor Boy" A sudden presence made Yiseul look up towards the door, noticing Seungcheol walking in. "He's asleep!" Yiseul didn't want Haneul to wake up and so she urged the leader towards the balcony of her room, closing the door behind her.

"Are you alright?"

"Are you alright?"

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