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"It's refreshing, right?" Yiseul ruffled Haneul's damp hair with a brand new towel

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"It's refreshing, right?" Yiseul ruffled Haneul's damp hair with a brand new towel. After an appetizing meal and patching up the wounds and scratches on the body of the boy, Yiseul had just given him a bath.

Gently wrapping Haneul in the towel, she picked him up and strided towards the closet. "What does Haneul want to wear?" The female parted the different clothes hanging in the wardrobe. Shaking his head, Haneul laid his head on her shoulder.

"I'll pick for you then" grabbing a pair of sweatshirt and shorts, Yiseul readied Haneul who was on the verge of dozing off. "Little Haneul is sleepy" booping her nose with his, she heard him giggle.

With just spending the last few hours with Haneul, Yiseul had forgotten everything she had went through the past months, even the argument with Mingyu which was weighing her down heavily.

"Let's take a stroll outside" The weather was windy and perfect for a stroll. The sunshine wasn't as bright even though being afternoon and the breeze was chill and on loose.

With Haneul's small figure in her arms, Yiseul strolled the backyard of the mansion. Patting his back to lull him to dreamland, Yiseul hummed a soft tune in his ear.

It only took the kid to slip into a deep slumber, still clutching onto Yiseul. To make sure he was truly asleep, she kept roaming the backyard a little while.

"Is he asleep?" Dino, the youngest beamed at the sleeping child in Yiseul's embrace, "He's so cute" Yiseul swatted away his hands that were inching closer to pinch the little one's cheeks. "He'll wake up!" Nodding at her words, Dino motioned towards the other side of the mansion.

"Scoups is looking for you" Carefully placing Haneul on her bed, Yiseul made her way towards the back of the mansion, apparently where their now meeting room was.

Knocking on the door twice, she let herself in. Her blood running cold when she realised that most of SVT were present and were staring at her. "You called?" Yet she tried holding her head high.

"We still need to do the DNA test!" Jun reminded her of the deal they had striked that day. Letting her head nod, Yiseul plucked a few strands of hair from her head and tucked it inside the sample bag that Vernon held towards her.

"I wanted to ask you something?" Agreeing to her request, Seungcheol urged her to continue. "Who is Haneul!?" Unsure to reveal the truth, the leader sighed and finally gave in.

"We had raided one of our enemy's headquarters and that's where we found him" Woozi was the one who spoke, his eyes softening at the mention of the kid. "He was probably held captive" Hoshi continued, shaking his head to erase the haunting memory of how terrified the boy was when they had found him.

"His parents?" "We are trying to search for them but nothing's coming up" Yiseul felt her heartbreak at the thought of Haneul being an orphan. All her life she had been reminded by everyone around her that she was nothing but a pitiful child who was adopted by her relatives.

"We'll take care of him until we find his parents or any family members" Seungcheol clarified, that earned agreement from his members, "And what if we can't find them?" Her exact thoughts that were voiced out by Dokyeom.

"We'll continue taking care of him then" Although she would be pleased to raise him as her own son, she couldn't let Haneul go through the same traumatizing life she had to. "But we'll try our best-" Wonwoo's word got cut off as a panting Seungkwan ran in the room.

"NOONA!" he frantically scoured the room for her although she was right besides him, he screeched in horror when she waved her hands infront of his face. "Haneulwokeupandheiscryingandlooking for you"

Patting his back gently, Yiseul ushered him to breathe properly before speaking, "I could only understand 'For you' and nothing else" The expression he held was as if an enemy had probably attacked the mansion but in reality.

"Haneul woke up and he is crying, looking for you"

You'll won't believe me how i choose ma male leads for da stories😭😂By spinning the wheel😂 LMFAO 😂I LUV all of them, can't bear to choose one😮‍💨🥹

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You'll won't believe me how i choose ma male leads for da stories😭😂
By spinning the wheel😂
I LUV all of them, can't bear to choose one😮‍💨🥹

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