Chapter 11: Run

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Me: hello! Sorry for taking so look long!

Naru: That's no excuse.

Meiyui: I'd have to agree to the narcissist.

Naru&Me: *glares at Meiyui*

Ayami: u-um please don't fight!

Monk: yea, what's up with you three anyway. Lately your always biting at each others throat. And arguing.

John: monk's right. What is wrong fellas.

Meiyui: it's Hui-Ying.

Me: no it's Naru!

Naru: stupid people it's Meiyui.

Naru&Meiyui&Me: *glares at each other*

Ayami: I believe..... it's Hui-Ying. She has been down a lot lately, and since this book is written by her whatever she is feeling goes into it.

Random two year old: so you are technically saying that Hui-Ying is feeling sad, mad, and overall confused with her feelings, so she puts some of that pain into the book to make it as interesting as it is. At least that is my guess over the information given.


Ayami: y-yes. How did you guess?

Two year old: oh, oops. Where are my manners. I'm Kikio. And I've been told that I have the largest IQ, and am supper smart!!!!😁

Me: well, hi Kikio. How about joining the book? I can find a perfect place for you!!!

Kikio: REALLY!!!!! Your da best!!!!!😀 Hui-Ying, and Ayami do not own ghost hunt!!! Nope they don't!

Meiyui's POV

I turned back, TJ, and Margaret by my side. Of course my wings were still out, for I might need to fly over some of the debris. TJ looked around, he sighed and shook his head exchanging a look with Margaret. Oh great! I thought, now they are going to have a Big talk with me about what happened.

I cringed when I finally found Naru, and Martin. Naru had a cut on his arm from glass and metal shards that had been thrown around the room. Martin though had been hit in the head a nd was lying unconscious on the ground.

Naru looked up when he sensed me coming closer, our eyes met and I saw every emotion he was feeling. He was shocked and confused, but most of all he was terrified. I started to tear up, my brother was right. I don't belong here, I don't belong anywhere. I ran.

I ran fast, Naru was a little shocked at me suddenly leaving and stood before turning and yelling, "Meiyui!!! Stop, come back here!" He started running, so I commanded TJ to stay behind and let no one follow me, and I took Margaret with me.

Once outside I spread out my wings, and I took to the sky swiftly and gracefully hardly making a sound. I flew up till I was in the clouds, and I headed straight towards,


















.(you guys will TOTALLY kill me!)


























My father's old village. Where I was next in line to rule over, and where there are angels and demons at peace. Even a few fallen angels, but there was mostly ominoji like my father. No one will find me there. No one will be able to.

Not like anyone would want to, I'm a danger to them and Naru, and all of BSPR has the biggest reason ever to be scared of me.


Dear readers,

Oh, yea! Secret village now!!!! Woo woo! Well anyway, comment, vote, and follow me! I'm so LONELY!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


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