❝i need sleep. ❞ (5)

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⚠️caution : this chapter contains vomiting⚠️

"...depends?" João repeated

"yeah, depends."

"depends on what?" I looked over at joão and shrugged

"what about you? do you believe in it?"

"I do" He looked away from me and back at the sky

"its only happened to me once" I added

"with who?" He asked again

"you" I replied.

I wasnt sure if it was the alcohol kicking in more or the little voice in the back of my head that sounds just like chloe screaming at me everytime we did something stupid saying 'yolo!!!!!!😜😜😜' that made me so bold, but it was fun.

"me?" He looked back over

"you" i looked in his eyes "you have pretty eyes by the way" i added again

"dont change the topic" he scooted closer "are you saying this all because your drunk?" he asked once more

"no, not at all" I replied

"good." he said laying his hand down touching my pinky with his.

"joão, what about you?" I asked now

"what about me y/n?" He looked at me

"when was the last time you experienced love at first sight?"

"when i laid my eyes on you"

"cringe" I moved my hand closer to his.

"its true" he shrugged looking away as he grabbed my hand gently. I let out a soft sigh before yawning,

"this is nice" I spoke

"yeah" He yawned after me "we should go find the others and get going, yeah?" I nodded as we got up to go fine them.

@chloelovesyou's story - 1 hour ago





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 ❝ idk what to name this yet chat🤗🤗 ❞ ⌇ joão félix x reader Where stories live. Discover now