❝ yeah ❞ (7)

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"That just means were superior" He grinned squeezing my hand again as he started pulling into mcdonalds, my eyes literally lit up seeing where we were.



"marry me right now."

"why?" He gave me a confused look as he parked, "because of mcdonalds?"

I looked over at him "I literally love McDonald's!" I smiled as he smiled back and let go of my hand, he opened his door and unbuckled and i went to do the same but before I could open the door joão spoke up

"no! wait!" He said rushing to open my door for me. He took a bow after he opened my door and i laughed at him.

"thank you" I smiled stepping out of his car as we went inside to go eat.

After we got our food we sat down and talked for a bit getting to know things we didn't previously know about each other.

Saying it was fun was an understatement, spending time with joão was something i really never wanted to stop. We barely knew each other but he's already such an amazing person to hang out with.

He's noticed a few things that nobody, not even Chloe's noticed about me. He pays attention to the little things which means the world to me. Since i've met him it felt like every time i don't talk to him a part of me's  missing, and as cringey as it sounds. It's true.

It still doesn't feel like we've only know each other for a little over twoish weeks. It doesn't even feel real that I even get to talk to him.

After an hour or so it was time for me and joão to go to the mall to watch the movie, we bickered a bit at how good we thought it would be.

"I'm just saying! never judge a book  by its cover!" He said with his eyes on the road and one of his hands holding mine like before.

"it's not even a book" I laughed some

"well. you get what i mean" He said laughing along

"yeah yeah" I smiled "but just saying, I don't think it's gonna be that scary"

"well I get to tell you I told you so when im comforting you after the movie!" he grinned

about 30 minutes later of talking and listening to music we finally arrive at the theater and got the popcorn and a few snacks. We got in our seats and the movie was about to start. It was just us in the theater.

~ halfway threw the movie ~

So far the movie was really good, I didn't want to admit it but i might've been slightly scared. I was holding onto joãos arm tightly and I was curled up in my seat, I was extremely on edge. I literally almost threw up watching the girl pull her sister tooth on a string out of her mouth. I had my eyes closed during the whole scene. João laughed a bit at me and I had slapped his arm.

 ❝ idk what to name this yet chat🤗🤗 ❞ ⌇ joão félix x reader Where stories live. Discover now