❝ me too love, me too. ❞ (9)

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chloes pov

@chloelovesyou - just now

Liked by, judebellingham, joãofélix, y/u, pablogavi, sophiathefirst and 895 others

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Liked by, judebellingham, joãofélix, y/u, pablogavi, sophiathefirst and 895 others

chloelovesyou - cutie patootie😔🫶 @judebellingham

@judebellingham - you should be my gf already 🙏🙏
@chloelovesyou - not saying yws till you ask me  face to face ‼️
@judebellingham - STOP YOU MAKE ME SO NERVOUS 😭😭😭

@pablogavi - ew bro

@sophiathefirst - 🫎

@y/u - VHEATER😣😣🙏
  @chloelovesyou - I MISS YOU

@joãofélix - w


"no babys dont come from storks!" I gave jude an 'are you serious' look. He looked back at me dumbfounded,

"what." His shocked face slowly turned into a frown and i shook my head laughing

"anyways" I cleared my throat holding back more laughter as i took a sip of my drink.

me and jude have been together at starbucks gossiping for the past hour or so.

"chloe" He looked up at me

"hm?" I looked over at him before I was met with a phone in my face. It took me a second to process but when I did I realized he took a .5 of me.

"JUDE BELLINGHAM." My jaw dropped as i began trying to take his phone to delete it "LITERALLY DELETE THAT RIGHT NOW OH MY GOOD GOLY GUMBDROP." I reached over the table

"no, you look so cute in it!" He grinned proudly. I gave up and slumped back in my chair

"literally never send that to anyone" I laughed some shaking my head. He finally agreed and we sat laughing at stories we told each other. Finally  we where leaving and decided to go on a walk before the sunset. I had one airpod in and handed the other to jude which he accepted greatfuly as always.

"hey chloe?" He said as we walked with his hands in his coat pockets.

"yeah?" I looked up at him.

"So.. there's something I want to tell you." He mumbled some. I got a little red and nervous and nodded my head for him to continue as he avoided eye contact.

"Basically, im moving." He looked away upset "To England again." he took a breath "for uhm, football, or soccer or whatever you wanna say," He looked at me for a second.

"oh" I mumbled trying to process it, I didnt want to leave him. I didn't want to say goodbye yet. I knew that he already meant more than anything to me and the thought of loosing him was horrifying.

"I don't leave until a few weeks tho" He added "but uhm, before I leave, I have to tell you this. I need to get it off my chest before I regret it." He spoke

We stopped walking for a second ans he turned to me looking me in the eyes. He took a deep breath and spoke,

"Chloe, I think you are such a fantastic person. I love everything and you and I love how happy you make me, you bring out a part of me that like i dont know you just make me feel complete I guess," He rambled "anyways what im trying to say is that I know im leaving soon and I know we have only known each other for about two months but I really wanna see where this goes, so chloe, could you possibly be my girlfriend?" His eyes drifted down to his feet as I hugged him tight with a huge smile.

"of course... of course I will..." I answered as he smiled happily and squeezed me back.

after that we walked for a few more minutes talking back and forth.

"jude im worried" I mumbled

"why? whats wrong ma?" He asked taking my hand

"you said your leaving soon right?" I asked and he nodded "so doesnt that mean gavi and joão will too?" I asked again.

"yeah, their playing in spain" He said with a confused look still.

"well, y/n, joão makes her so much happier than ive ever seen her and I dont know how shes gonna take the news" I looked at him with a frown.

"oh, right." He said thinking "Joãos never really liked long distance stuff either..." he mumbled "but he absolutely adores the girl so, maybe it'll work?"

"I really hope so" I mumbled as we swung our hands, he rubbed the back of my hand as we did.

"thank you" I sighed gently laying my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head,

"of course coco, and i swear to you we will make the distance work." He smiled.

"I know, im sure of it." I smiled "And i hope they make it work too." I sighed again.

"me too love, me too." He spoke in a soft tone.

↳      「    ➷。˚ Hi lovelies !!! I love you and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Y/ns pov next i swear im just trying to change things and i thought this would be cute! 🫶 ೃ࿔₊    」


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