❝ because of mcdonalds? ❞ (6)

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1 hour before y/ns post

"god you guys are gonna be the death of me" I groaned at the two, after joão hug up telling me he wad outside I had gotten out of my bed fully ready now but when i opened my bedroom door chloe and gavi where ease dropping.

"somesones going on a date!!!" Chloe squealed jumping up and down with gavi.

"shes all grown!" Gavi squealed too as he pretended to wipe a tear as chloe smacked his arm

"You where not there to watch her grow I should be the one fake crying!" She said frowning

"You guys are idiots you two where the ones to tell me joão was even coming to get me" I stared at the siblings that where beginning to give me a headache.

"okay and?" Gavi added after he was just squealing like a girl with chloe.

"whatever" I shook my head slipping on my shoes

"text us the details!!" Chloe said as i began to walk out the door

"maybe, bye" I laughed gently as i closed the door behind me walking over to the elevator. I clicked on the first floor and when I got there I walked outside the apartment complex to see joão sitting on a bench by the doors. We greeted eachother with a warm hug as he led me to his car.

"you feeling any better?" He asked opening the passenger door for me.

"oh, yeah, thank you!" I smiled sitting down as he smiled back before closing the door and heading to the drivers side.

"of course, so, I was thinking we could go get lunch and then maybe head to the mall to watch a movie?" He asked

"sure!" I agreed happily "also, sorry about like last night it was probably weird or awkward for you" I rambled a bit

"no, no your fine y/n" He promised "It wasn't awkward or weird. It was kinda cute" He teased as I turned a little red

"where are we going first?" I asked

"its a surprise" He grinned excitedly "here, you wanna play music?" He asked handing me his phone since it was already connected to his car. I accepted the offer and gently took his phone scrolling through his playlist before finally clicking on a song.

'I feel it coming' - the weekend, draft punk'

"god this reminds me of the new spiderman movie with miles morales in it, I literally almost cried" I admitted with a laugh.

"seriously? you almost cried?" He laughed too.

"its not funny!" I say laughing more "I wasnt happy when i found out there was a to be continued" I frowned as he laughed more also.

"I guess so" He said as he took a turn. I was watching the road instead of being on my phone so i wouldnt be distracted when he talks to me.

"so what movie are we gonna watch?" I asked as the next song played.

'3005' - Childish Gambino'

"I love this song omg" I said excitedly

"me too" He smiled looking at how excited i was. "anyways were going to see the boogeyman, I think youll like it, it seems good," He replied and i looked at him confused "its a horror movie" he added.

"sure it is" I said never hearing about it before "how is the boogeyman scary" I joked as he laughed a bit shrugging.

"I guess we will find out soon" he said as he took a right.

"Chloe said you threw up this morning" He saif starting a new conversation.

"Yeah" I said shivering at the disgusting thought

"im sorry" He frowned a bit "will you be okay to eat?" He asked looking over for a second while we where at a red light. He moved one of his hands and grabbed my hand softly.

"Yeah ill be fine" I smiled holding his hand. I kept still in case I accidentally do something wrong and he decides to take his hand away, so to avoid that i was a little stiff. For some reason he took his hand back and placed it a bit above my knee rubbing gently in a comforting way.

"you okay?" He asked confused and i nodded. He smiled as he felt me get comfortable again. He stopped rubbing as he grabbed my hand again. He squeezed my hand gently and looked back at the road which the light turned green. A new song played as he drove straight.

'Awkward - SZA'

"your music taste is literally so similar to mine" I said happily

"That just means were superior" He grinned squeezing my hand again as he started pulling into mcdonalds, my eyes literally lit up seeing where we were.



"marry me right now."

"why?" He gave me a confused look as he parked, "because of mcdonalds?"

↳      「    ➷。˚ Hi lovelies !!! I think i might start making a bit shorter characters so in the end theres more chapters if that makes sense😭😭 anyways sorry this ones so short ! I love you and I hope you enjoyed it🫶 ೃ࿔₊    」

 ❝ idk what to name this yet chat🤗🤗 ❞ ⌇ joão félix x reader Where stories live. Discover now