❝ Im so sorry y/n ❞ (11)

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y/ns pov

Me and joão ended up hanging out at the house instead. We baked cookies for ourselves
chloe and jude, he laid on my bed talking with me as I cleaned up my room, we just ended up spending time together doing little things and it was definitely more fun than I expected. I think over the past few weeks of knowing him, even tho its been a short period of time, ive slowly developed feelings for him. What a surprise !!!!

Joãos pov

Finally the day came, for the past week everytime after me and y/n either hung out or called, id cry some knowing id have to soon leave her. I regret every time I didn't tell her when I had the chance, and I especially regret knowing that i never even told her about my feelings for her, even if they where slight feelings, I still couldn't imagine finding anyone better than her. God. I sound stupid. Like when I went on tiktok and those slideshows about their crush or partner would come up, id think about her. Its so stupid.

I was already packed, gavi had offered me a ride and even tho we would be playing for the same team he could only get a flight a few days after mine. I was scared of how y/n would feel when she found out I was gone.

yeah I decided it was best not to tell her

Gavi had texted me he was outside, I carried my bags to his car and set them in the back. Even tho me and him where close and had lots to talk about I just didnt really feel like talking and he could tell. I put my headphones on after thanking him for driving us and leaned my head against the window letting my thoughts take over.







I was shaken awake by gavi

"were here, are you good?" he asked me as he turned the car off.

"hm? oh. im fine" I said with a tired voice as i unbuckled and got my stuff from his back seat. He walked me up to the airport doors.

"hey, dude itll be okay" Gavi said breaking the silence.

"yeah" I said a bit plainly "thanks" I looked at the doors before back at him. I let go of my teo suitcases and gave him a hug. "thanks for this, ill see you soon yeah?"

"yeah, of course" He smiled hugging me back. We pulled away and said our last temporary goodbyes before I also turned to the doors and walked in, my suitcases rolling behind.

I soon got through the security stuff and everything I needed to do before I waited for my plane number to be called. I scrolled through spotify picking a song before scrolling through instagram.

When my plane got called at 1:00pm I boarded it quickly so i could get a window seat. I sat down thankful there was nobody sitting next to me and buckled up and turned my headphones up slightly. I took a deep breath and looked out the window before looking down at my phone again to skip the song I was listening to.

1 missed call from y/n❤️ - 1:05 pm

I sighed trying not to cry because I knew if I had said anything to her itd only hurt more. I just hoped she would understand.

Im so sorry y/n.

↳ 「 ➷。˚ Hi lovelies !!! I love you and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Im sorry I havent updated this in a while but THANK YOU SO FLIPPING MUCH FOR ALMOST1K READS😭🙏🙏 ೃ࿔₊ 」

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