AWAKE. (5.25)

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@y/u - 23 minutes ago

@y/u - peek a boo @joãofélix

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@y/u - peek a boo @joãofélix

❤️. Liked by, joãofélix, panlogavi, chloelovesyou, judebellingham, sophiathefirst and 36.4k others

💬. 1,073
@chloelovesyou - Mr moose hope your feeling better 🫎
  @y/u - who the hell is mr moose 😭
@joãofélix - Gimmie your other airpod rn I wanna listen to music w you☹️🙏
@y/u - get up and get it fella
      @joãofélix - bro im literally across the table jusr pass it over 😭
           @y/u - no
                @joãofélix - be so fr
                    @y/u -  🤗🤗
@judebellingham - oh my days what abt the rest of us😔✊
@sophiathefirst - me you and chloe should hang out soon!!
    @chloelovesyou - mr moose agrees 🫎
           @chloelovesyou - ME TOO OMG
               @sophiathefirst - HAMILTON DATE RN
                    @judebellingham - erm no 🤗



I woke up for the second time, but instead of being in the bathroom, I was on the couch in the living room. I fluttered my eyes due to the light and hear some talking from the kitchen, I let out a small yawn and sat up. I moved my head to look over at the kitchen and see two people talking.

"chloe?" I said in a tired voice as they looked at

"ahh theres sleeping beauty, for a minute me and gavi thought we'd have to call joão to come kiss you" chloe grinned walking over towards me

"Actually I offered jude but chloe said joão should be the one" Gavi said shrugged. I rolled my eyes at them shaking my head.

"how ya feeling" Chloe asked with a cup of water in her hand, she offered it to me and i greatfully accepted it.

"a lot better... thank you cc" I patted her shoulder teasing her with a grin.

"oh my god do you remember in kindergarten when we had that beach field trip and my grandma got me that seal stuffed animal and i named it after cc's pizza and myself" She gasped remembering as she had a big smile.

"No. No i dont" I laughed slightly

"oh well i did" she shrugged plopping down at the end of the couch by my feet.

"oh yeah hey y/n?" Gavi spoke as i looked over at him

"hm?" I hummed

"joãos coming over to pick you up soon to hang out."


 ❝ idk what to name this yet chat🤗🤗 ❞ ⌇ joão félix x reader Where stories live. Discover now