❝ its gonna be okay. ❞ (8)

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Joãos pov

I got off facetime with y/n since she was going to ned soon. Everytime I get off facetime with her, im always happy. But this time its different.

I didnt want to think to much about but I knew the day was coming soon and I knew I had to tell her. I just couldnt find the time to. I mean, shes been venting to me a lot about her family problems and thats not the problem. I just know she's already going through a lot.

I cant bare to see her hurting and I knew if I told her id be moving soon for my career and I wouldnt be able to see her as much since the seasons coming up, I knew itd hurt her even more.

I just cant bare the thought of hurting her more.

Im just not sure what to do and its tearing me apart.

I took a few deep breaths stressing out about it. I grabbed my phone to call gavi.





"mmphm" I heard a slight mumble from the phone

"gavi?" I asked

"yuhp" He said tiredly yawning

"did i wake you?" I asked again noticing the time

1:27 AM

"maybe... what is it?" He asked back

"im kinda having a mental crisis. Maybe. I think thats the word." I mumbled

"about?" He let out another yawn

"y/n- look we really dont have to talk now if you dont want." i rambled

"no- no its fine" I heard him getting up out of his bed.

"you know how the seasons coming up?" I spoke as he hummed "and were gonna be really busy?" He hummed once more "im not gonna be able to talk to y/n as much" i mumbled "and-" i took a breath "and i cant tell her because she's already going through a lot" i spoke continuing to ramble. "gavi-" my voice broke

"hey." He stopped me "hey. Its gonna be okay dude im sure she will understand."

"gavi i dont want to hurt her" my voice broke again tears forming in my eyes

"take a deep breath" He spoke calming me down. "its only gonna hurt her worse if you dont tell her. Make these next few weeks with her count, yeah? She likes you. She will understand i promise."

A tear fell down my cheek "im scared"

"its gonna be okay" He reassured me as i began to slowly cry. He let me vent for a few more minutes before we hung up.

↳      「    ➷。˚ Hi lovelies !!! I love you and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry its so short, im working on wrapping up act one soon!! 🫶 ೃ࿔₊    」


 ❝ idk what to name this yet chat🤗🤗 ❞ ⌇ joão félix x reader Where stories live. Discover now