Chapter Twenty-Four: Family Visit Day

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• PARADISE •°*"˜.•°*"˜

[Kukui's Home - Inside]

Inside of Kukui's Home, Ash was sitting on the floor and is working on a speech for Family Visit Day.

""Some have different forms from what they have in other regions."" Ash said as he wrote it onto a paper. ""This is because the Alola region consists of islands, so the environment... the environment is su- su- suitable? For..." No, not "suitable". Ugh..." He said tiredly.

"Don't worry too much about it, Ash." Jasper told him, he was sitting on the other side of the table.

Snowball was sitting on Jasper's lap.
Leo was playing with both Pikachu and Rockruff.
Rotom-Dex was watching Ash writing his report.
Litten was on the couch napping.
Rowlet was on the table sleeping.

Ash groaned and ruffles his head. "Ah, got it." He said. ""In any case, there are some really different Pokémon there!"" He was about to write it until Rotom-Dex stops him.

"Wait!" Rotom-Dex said. "Ash, be precise in your writing!" He told him. "The differences between Pokemon from the Alola region and Pokemon from other regions have been researched for years! It is not something you can sum up with a brief comment!" He stated.

"That may be true, Rotom. But don't you think that's a bit too much?" Jasper asked sweat-dropping.

"Of course not!" Rotom-Dex stated looking at Jasper. "If Ash is going to have a speech, he should do it correctly!" He told the silver-haired boy before looking at Ash. "Look at this data and you'll understand what I mean!" He stated showing Ash the data on the subject.

Ash sweat-drops seeing the amount of words. "Uh... What's this?" He asked. "If I read all this..."

"Read it!" Rotom-Dex said getting closer to Ash.

"...I'll grow into an old man." Ash said tiredly.

"Come on now, I think you're exaggerating it, Ash." Jasper said sweat-dropping.

"Nope, completely impossible!" Ash stated holding Rotom-Dex in place so he wouldn't get closer to him.

"There are important things written here!" Rotom-Dex stated.

"Okay, I've already grown old..." Ash said, he flops on the desk tiredly, his soul leaving his body.

Jasper sweat-drops. "Oh boy..."He said.

Pikachu, Rockruff and Leo looks at Ash. The three put their hands on the table.

"Oh, Pikachu. How are you doing, young lad?" Ash asked, doing his best old-person voice.

Rockruff barks confused.
"Rio?" Leo is confused.

Kukui went towards the group with a tray of teas and snacks. "Take a break. Looks like you're struggling." He said to Ash.

"Thank you." Jasper thanks the professor.

"Professor Kukui..." Ash said looking at him. "I knew it, I can't do this. Wouldn't Lillie or Sophocles be better at it?" He asked. "Or Jasper?" He added.

"Come on, don't say that." Kukui told Ash. He placed the tray on the table. "Lots of visitors will be attending the upcoming open school. Presenting the results of your continuous studies to these people is an important task. Put all your Superpower into this." He explained.

Jasper nodded. "Professor Kukui's right." He said. "Besides, with you being a student from the Kanto Region, your speech are important to everyone."

"I am too old for this." Ash said. He grabs a snack and ate it.

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