Chapter 15

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"I haven't even moved and you already want to shoot me?" Scoups states dryly at the two nervous policemen. They share a confused look, asking each other what to do. Joshua exhales irritated before he gets up too and places himself in front of Scoups, who lets out a surprised gasp. Woojin awkwardly follows and stands next to Seungkwan. Joshua simply can't let Scoups die, so he has to do this.
"Get Seungkwan up and lead him away from here, I'll handle it", Joshua demands, "I'm the leader anyway." Joshua hears Seungkwan grunt in pain while someone suddenly steps forward to stand next to him.
"I used to be one to", Scoups says as the cops stare at the team startled. They clearly don't know how or when to stop them.
"We're Titans after all", Scoups adds and Joshua can't hold back a proud smile. It feels good to hear his team name.
"Stop right there!" one cop suddenly yells at the rest of the team, who are walking away with Seungkwan.
"You're under arrest!" the other shouts desperatly.
"I suppose you're new", Joshua smiles as Scoups and he slowly get closer towards the two policemen.
"We don't get arrested", Joshua states before he nods his head at Scoups and they both take a man to fight. When Joshua gives out his first punch, he feels a wave of happiness rising inside of him. Not because he's fighting, but because he's doing this with Scoups. They're finally back at how it used to be. The leader kicks the cop in his stomach, causing him to fall down. Joshua towers over him as he punches again. Jeonghan would be proud, he thinks smiling. I am proud, Jeonghan's voice whispers in Joshua's head, making the leader tear up. He has missed Jeonghan so badly, for so long. He has missed his past, the friendship, the peace, the happiness. Why does it feel like Joshua's happiness died with Jeonghan? Like Dino murdered it with him? Like it fell off a bridge, into a river, floating away towards somewhere it will never be found? 
"Joshua!" Scoups' devestated voice pulls the leader out of his thoughts. Confused, Joshua looks up to his teammate, who looks at him in disgust and shock.
"You... You...", Scoups stutters as he glances at the cop beneath Joshua. He follows Scoups' eyes and gasps as he notices the cop's face is covered in blood. Apparently, Joshua has hit him like crazy thinking about Jeonghan. 
"You murdered him!" Scoups yells out and Joshua blinks in shock. Did he really go that far? The policeman is indeed dead, Joshua can't believe he caused this. But while Scoups is distracted by Joshua, he doesn't notice the other cop who's ready to knock him out. Joshua's eyes widen and his fast reflexes help him to quickly grab his gun and shoot the cop down with only one single bullet. Scoups jumps in the air startled and almost falls down. The cop gasps and falls down as well with a thud. Scoups quickly kneels down and shakes his head in disbelief.
"Congratulations, you killed a second cop! What is wrong with you!?" Scoups yells dissatisfied as the other team members reach them again, except for Seungkwan and Jun.
"We heard a gunshot? Is everyone all right?" Dino asks worried, his eyes mostly examining Scoups.
"That was just Joshua killing two cops", Scoups states bluntly and the team gasps in shock.
"I had no other choice, they were going to hurt Scoups", Joshua says in defense.
"But where's Seungkwan?" Joshua adds.
"He's in the car, but we were worried so we ran here", Woojin explains and Joshua grunts annoyed.
"Get back immediatly! What if the cops who are chasing Jun find Seungkwan!?" he demands and Vernon and Woojin nod their heads apologizing before running off again.
"Dino?" Joshua asks impatient.
"I'm going to search and help Jun", the younger states stubornly.
"When will my team listen to me for once?" Joshua exclaims frustrated, but Scoups and Dino already ran off towards the street Jun ran in. Joshua grunts and follows them. When there is a junction, the three teammates stop to look around.
"What do we do now?" Dino asks desperate.
"I don't know," Scoups admits, "he could be anywhere by now. Oh god, I hope Jun is fine." Joshua nods briefly in agreement, Jun could be very annoying and stubborn, but Joshua can't let him get caught. It's his responsibility as a leader and as a friend to look after him. 
"Over there", Joshua says as he points towards the street on their left.
"Why?" Dino questions.
"Do you see those trash cans? They're pushed over by someone who wanted to slow down his chasers", Joshua informs them.
"Jun", Scoups mumbles before he storms into the street. Joshua is quick to follow and Dino is running right beside him. With Scoups in their eyesight, the two enemies don't say a word. It's quite funny how they're fighting for a guy, like they do in stupid romantic movies. If only this was such a funny romantic movie. Scoups follows the pushed over trashbins and soon, they have a path they can follow. Joshua can't help but admire Jun's cleverness. Not only did the brunette slow down his chasers, he also led the way for his team to come and find him. Dino squeaks surprised as Scoups suddenly stops his tracks.
"Shit, what now?" the older asks while he looks around. Joshua and Dino look around, but they can't answer Scoups. Four streets combine at this spot and not one of them has a path of trashbins, except for the one they just came from.
"Maybe Jun went back?" Dino suggests hopeful.
"We woud've met him if that was the case", Joshua waves the suggestion off.
"Does this mean the cops got him?" Scoups asks, he has trouble keeping calm.
"I don't know", Joshua admits while he closes his eyes. The situation is making him mad, everything went wrong. Maybe if everyone listened to him like they are supposed to, none of this would have happened. Joshua sighs defeated, now is not the time to blame the others. 
"Split up?" Dino asks impatient.
"But what if the police is still running around?" Joshua asks uncertain.
"Shh, everyone be quiet", Scoups demands as he puts his finger up to quiet the others down. Joshua looks at Scoups confused, but he soon hears footsteps nearing them. Unsteady footsteps, from one person.
"Jun?" Dino exclaims at the air, but nothing reacts. Scoups turns around, the sound is coming from behind him. Joshua takes his gun to be safe, but Scoups gives him a warning look.
"Don't you dare", he whispers. Joshua could've ignored Scoups since he isn't the leader anymore, but something about Scoups demands respect. Joshua nods against his will and puts the gun away, but he still keeps his hand on the cold object. Slowly and careful, Scoups steps closer towards the footsteps.
"Jun?" Scoups whispers, "It's us." The sound of a relieved sigh follows right after and soon they see Jun in front of them. He's limping, it looks like he hurt his foot badly. Scoups runs towards Jun and hugs him tight.
"I lost them", Jun informs the three friends standing in front of him.
"I'm proud of you", Scoups whispers, which makes Joshua's blood boil.
"How can you be proud of him!?" Joshua yells while Jun breaks the hug startled.
"Do you have any idea of what you have done!?" Joshua continues furiously.
"I only gave you guys more time to rescue Seungkwan", Jun protests.
"You could've been caught! You could've died! You put the whole crew in danger because you didn't listen to me!" Joshua yells frustrated.
"I am a wanted man anyways! What was I supposed to do? You were going to let Seungkwan to his fate, a true leader wouldn't do that!" Jun resists and Joshua scoffs offended.
"You really think you know everything better, don't you? In your eyes, I'm already the villain. Why blame me if I start acting like one?" Joshua grits through his teeth.
"Let's get back, the team must be worried", the leader adds while he turns around and walks back. He doesn't care anymore what happens, he will always do the wrong thing in his team's eyes. Those three people behind him will never think of him as a true leader, or even as a good leader. It hurts Joshua the most that Scoups is one of those three. Why can't he show his friend that he is capable to have the lead? Joshua knows he will never be as good as Scoups, but why did the former leader give him the lead if he wasn't going to like it anyway? The whole way back, Joshua walks alone, but he doesn't mind. Now he has time to think and reflect about the mission. About what went wrong and who was the cause of it. When he arrives at the car, the other three have catched up with him.
"Jun, you're safe!" Vernon and Woojin exclaim excited and they both hug the brunette. Joshua tilts his head in thought as he watches it happen. Vernon, Woojin and Seungkwan seem to have already accepted him as a leader, they also did nothing wrong this mission. But Jun, Dino and Scoups are too stubborn. To actually gain his control back, Joshua should ban someone. Scoups has the most influence, that's for sure, but the leader can't make himself ban his own friend. He always hated Dino, so that would be a logical choice. But how would Scoups react to that? And Jun has caused a lot of trouble lately and he's wanted by the police. But he's clever, fast and brave, how can Joshua ban someone that good from his team?
"I always find a way to trick those cops", Jun says smiling.
"Is your foot all right?" Woojin asks worried.
"I hurt it pretty badly," Jun admits, "I don't think I can participate in the next few missions."
"Indeed you won't", Joshua states firmly and all eyes are now on him.
"What do you mean?" Jun asks confused.
"I ban you from my team. Jun, you will no longer participate in any mission and you are no longer part of The Titans", Joshua says and everyone gasps in disbelief.
"You have got to be kidding me!" Jun exclaims scoffing and Scoups shakes his head disappointed, but Joshua knows this was the only right decision. Jun has made so many mistakes, caused so much trouble and he ignores orders from his leader. And on top of that, he's wanted by the police, which could bring his whole team in danger. What if the police follows him and finds out about the dance room?
"I'm sorry, you should all get home and rest, it was a rough day", is all Joshua says before he walks away and leaves his team behind in shock.


Scoups is furious while he bangs on the front door. He needs an explanation, Joshua can't do something like this and then leave! Scoups keeps on banging until Mingyu finally opens the door annoyed.
"Can you calm down!? Wonwoo is sleeping and he needs his rest!" Mingyu whispers angry and Scoups takes a deep breath to calm down.
"I'm sorry," he apologizes, "I have to speak Joshua." Mingyu nods and lets Scoups inside. It seems like the house hasn't been cleaned in a while: a cap is laying on the couch, some cups of coffee are standing on the kitchen table, papers laying down everywhere.
"Joshua is in his room, I'm going to bed. Please be quiet", Mingyu says before he walks off. Only now Scoups realizes how tired Mingyu looks and how rude he has been. Wonwoo and Mingyu are going through a rough time, Scoups can see it even though they didn't tell him. Scoups takes another deep breath before he walks towards Joshua's room. When he enters, the leader who was sitting on his bed looks up surprised. Scoups is glad this used to be Woozi's room and not his, otherwise he would've felt quite dirty to have someone like Joshua sleep in his room. No, someone like Mingyu perfectly fits in Scoups' room. 
"Let me guess, you came here to scold me?" Joshua asks bored.
"I think we need to talk", Scoups says.
"All right, let's talk", Joshua replies.

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