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Yang Jeongin, an 18 year old college student who moved from Busan to Seoul for college. It wasn't a big difference since both places are big, but the move still got Jeongin excited. He was going to a school where he would meet new people, and hopefully find a lover along the way. He walked to his new college with his headphones in, ignoring the world around him.

He was moving around lightly with the beat of the music. A few spins, and a few hand movements. He didn't notice the people around him giving him shocked looks for him doing the bare minimum. He quietly started singing the words to the song currently playing, 'Nonsense.' He began looking around him, a bit insecure of his singing. People seemed to not pay too much attention, besides for the pair of eyes he felt on him.

Kim Seungmin was amazed with the boy, he had never seen someone confident enough to sing and dance around the school. Yes, there were music and dancing majors in the school, but none of them were confident enough to dance in the middle of the court yard. He wanted to get to know the latter, but he was self conscious.

"Yo! Look at that kid, do you think he's new? I have never seen him before." Hwang Hyunjin spoke. Seungmin rolled his eyes and began walking to his class.

"Yah! Kim Seungmin where are you going? Come back I was just asking a question, why so serious?" Hyunjin asked running after his best friend. His boyfriend hadn't arrived at school yet, and he wasn't as close to the others as he was with Seungmin so he clung to him.

"Get to class Hwang. One more tardy and you're getting detention remember? If you get detention that'll ruin your date you have planned with Felix Hyung." Seungmin spoke before leaving the older alone. Hyunjin just nodded to himself and turned his body towards the new kid.

Jeongin was looking for the office so he could know his classes. He knew he had a music class, because obviously he was a music major, but he needed to know his other classes. He looked around a few times and made eye contact with a tall handsome male. He pouted his lip at the male and looked at his feet. The other understood and walked towards Jeongin.

"Need a bit of help there?" The taller asked in a sweet voice. Jeongin nodded and sighed loudly, his main goal was to ignore everyone, but he couldn't find his way around the school and needed help. He saw the tall male smile at someone walking his way.

"Lixie, wanna help me show the new kid to the office? He looks a bit lost and confused so I thought we could help?" The latter asked the male who Jeongin only knew as Lixie. The freckled boy nodded and took the taller males hand into his own.

"I'm Felix by the way, and here is my wonderful boyfriend Hwang Hyunjin! I am assuming he didn't tell you his name because he never does." Felix spoke and shook his head to fake disappointment. Hyunjin kissed the side of his lover's head and smiled.

"Uh, I need to go to the office for my schedule." Jeongin spoke quietly. Felix nodded and linked arms with the younger while keeping his hand intertwined with his boyfriends. Jeongin smiled at the older and let him drag him to wherever he needed to be. They walked for a bit talking about random things before Felix stopped and let Jeongin go.

"Here you are mate! Me and Hyunjin are going in with you because we need passes to not be marked late." Felix giggled and Jeongin just nodded. They all entered together and Jeongin froze when he saw the principal.

~630 words~

Ahhh start of a new book let's go! We gotta just hope i don't forget about this book and the others i'm working on lol.

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