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TW//Homophobia, Mentions of abuse & Mentions of death - suicide

Seungmin had his arm linked with Jeongin, who had his arm linked with Felix, who had his hand linked with Hyunjin. They were all just talking about random things, whatever came to their minds. Seungmin felt that there were eyes on them, but thought he was just being anxious. Normally he wouldn't have linked his arm with Felix even if he begged him. Jeongin was a different story.

"Oh wow Yang Jeongin." Min-Ji, the principal at their school clapped. Jeongin rolled his eyes and stopped walking. The moment Jeongin stopped walking Hyunjin and Felix got excited, they had seen him argue with her before. Jeongin never seemed to lose the arguments with her. Seungmin was just confused about the lady, he didn't understand what she wanted with Jeongin. Felix pulled Seungmin next to him gently and smirked.

"What do you want now Min-Ji?" Jeongin asked with venom lacing his voice. She looked a bit shocked at his tone, but still continued to pester him. She laughed and held hands with her husband, who wanted nothing to do with her.

"First you disrespect your principal, who is your elder, and now this? I knew you were one of those... things." She spoke to the young male. Jeongin was taken aback, he knew what she meant, but he just didn't expect it. Seungmin wanted to say something, he wanted to yell at her, but Felix grabbed his hand and squeezed it. The puppy-like boy raised his brow at his friend and Hyunjin just mumbled a quick 'watch.'

"You do realize that one, your son is also gay, and two, you never win these arguments with me." Jeongin spoke with boredom written all over his face. He knew Taehyun very well, while Mrs. Kang believed that the two stopped talking, they texted regularly.

"My son is NOT like you, babe, please tell this... monster... that our Taehyun isn't like him!" Min-Ji spoke with pure disgust and hatred on her face. Her husband just shrugged and rolled his eyes. Jeongin was smarter than she thought, he had pressed the record button on his phone the moment he turned around.

"This is really funny Min-Ji! You're struggling with this argument, just like you're struggling in your marriage." Jeongin laughed at the older woman, he knew all of the things that happened at her house, Taehyun told him and gave him permission to use it against her.

"You do NOT get to talk about my marriage when your mom has a DEAD husband and still can't get over him." Min-Ji spat at the younger. Jeongin decided to shut up and just stare at the woman in disbelief. Seungmin lost his cool the moment Jeongin stopped replying, because he could tell the younger was hurt by her statement.

"Shut up, your husband probably goes out and cheats on you every night. He CLEARLY wants nothing to do with you, if I was him, I wouldn't want anything to do with you either. You have NO clue what your kid likes because you're a horrible mom and he probably doesn't want to tell you anything. File for a damn divorce and see how long it takes you to get over him!" Jeongin snapped. They were all in shock at his yelling, even his mom and their other friends came over when they heard him.

Mrs. Yang looked scared when she saw the woman. She looked at her son, then back at the lady, who used to be her best friend. Her heart broke seeing Jeongin screaming and crying at the lady. Her son never really broke down like that, he always knew what to do in situations that involved arguing. Seungmin grabbed the younger males hand and squeezed it lightly before looking at the principal.

"You really need to learn how to respect people if you want the same respect back. You don't know anything about his life, Mrs. Kang." Seungmin spoke with pure anger in his voice, he never got angry like this, so it surprised his friends. Min-Ji shook her head and smirked at Seungmin.

"I think I know more about his life than you do, genius." Mrs. Kang spoke to the younger boy with a mocking laugh. Jeongin looked at the woman dead in the eye. If looks could kill, she would probably have dropped dead on the floor. Minho even shivered seeing the look their groups maknae had given her.

"The only thing you know is the reason my dad is dead. YOU are the reason my dad is dead. We were all a happy family, but someone didn't like the fact that my mother didn't have a failing relationship like yours. You drove my dad insane to the point where he killed himself." Jeongin spoke too calmly for anyone's liking. No one liked how calm the kid sounded while speaking of his dead dad.

Seungmin looked at the younger with pure sadness, Jeongin had tears streaming down his face. It reminded the puppy-like male of when they first actually talked. Seungmin was quick to wipe the tears off the younger's face. He pulled him into a tight hug and let Minho do the rest of the yelling, because he could tell Minho was getting impatient.

"If I catch you talking to our baby like that EVER again, just know I will have someone get you fired, and if that isn't enough, I will have them expose everything about you and get you arrested. You know damn well that I know what you do to the kids who you call into your office, or who get sent in. I was lucky I could defend myself against you. Honestly it would be a shame if your husband found out what you do to the male students at your school." Minho threatened the woman. Her husband got interested when Minho had begun speaking. He wanted to know what his wife was doing to those kids. If Mr. Kang was entirely honest, he would say he doesn't love Min-Ji, but he did fall in love with her best friend.

"Lee Minho shut your mouth, I will call your parents and make up some excuse for them to beat you." She replied to the male, Jisung eyes went wide when he looked at his boyfriend who had tensed up. No one understood why she was still trying, at this point she had the entire group mad at her. Chan gave her a warning look, trying to keep his cool. Mrs. Yang saw how badly she was hurting the boys and decided she should step in.

"Min-Ji, What is your problem? You are always starting SOMETHING with anyone and everyone." Mrs. Yang spoke to the older woman, Min-Ji turned to look at her "best friend," she gave her an evil smile and rolled her eyes.

"Na-Eun, these kids disrespect me enough. I'm just teaching them who they should be respecting." Min-Ji spoke with a smirk. Her husband looked at the woman who his wife had just spoken to. His stomach filled with butterflies when their eyes had met. He never stopped loving her, he had gotten with Min-Ji as an excuse to be closer to her. Min-Ji ruined their friendship, and he was no longer able to see Na-Eun.

"YOU DON'T RESPECT US LADY. RESPECT GOES BOTH WAYS AROUND. WHEN YOU'RE OVER HERE ABUSING YOUR STUDENTS YOU DESERVE NO RESPECT." Jisung shouted at the woman, Minho had whispered what he was talking about earlier to Jisung, while the two ladies talked with each other. Min-Ji's eyes went wide as she slowly looked in the direction of her husband. His eyes filled with anger when he heard the young man yell.

"Min-Ji, you're abusing your students? IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU?! THEY'RE KIDS MIN-JI, THEY DON'T DESERVE THIS." Mr. Kang spoke, Mrs. Kang's eyes filled with tears looking at he anger filled husband. Jeongin smiled a bit hearing the man he knew as Jun-Seo, stand up for the kids.

"Jun-Seo, don't defend them please, you're supposed to defend me because you love me!" Min-Ji spoke with tear filled eyes. Her husband looked and her and shut his eyes in an attempt to calm down.

"I never loved you." He harshly spoke to the woman.

~1364 words~

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