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"Okay, what the FUCK." They heard from the door.

Jeongin sighed and looked at the direction of the noise. Seungmin laughed at the younger and kissed his cheek. Minho and Jisung stood by the door in shock, they knew there was something going on between the two boys, they just didn't know what.

"Oh my god bro... Yeah you saw it right! We're kissing, it's the biggest surprise I know!" Jeongin deadpanned.

"I knew you were dating!" Minho pointed at the two with a big smile.

"Not exactly dating, god I wish we were. We're friends with benefits I guess." Jeongin shrugged, turning back to Seungmin. The older male wrapped his arms around the pink-haired boys waist again and smiled.

"Well then, we'll leave you two! Have fun I guess," Minho gave a teasing smile as we walked away and shut the doors behind him. Jeongin laughed and looked at the puppy-like boy again. Seungmin pulled him back in for another sloppy make-out session until the two ran out of breath.

"I wish I could call you my boyfriend, Hyung." Jeongin pouted. Seungmin smiled and placed a gentle kiss on the younger male's forehead.

"Yang Jeongin, will you be my boyfriend? I believe that love has no time, we don't need to know each other for YEARS just for me to ask you out. That would be so dumb, we know our feelings already, and deserve to express them. Will you give me the honor of calling you my boyfriend?" Seungmin asked the younger with a soft smile.

"Of course. You couldn't have worded that better, I was so scared to confess, even though I knew your feelings. Something in my head was telling me it was too soon, but love knows no time. I would absolutely love to FINALLY call you my lover, Kim Seungmin." Jeongin smiled happily at his now boyfriend.

"Can I kiss you again?" Seungmin shyly asked his lover.

"No need to ask me, puppy." Jeongin smiled at his boyfriend. The new nickname caused the older man to blush. Seungmin kissed the younger again, this time the kiss was more heated and needy. They needed each other, but they were on top of a school roof. Jeongin was breathing heavily when they pulled away. His hand was still tangled in the puppy-like boy's hair.

"Later, we finish this, right now we need to get to class because lunch is over." Seungmin spoke between breaths. Jeongin nodded and grabbed his boyfriend's hand. He loved being able to call Seungmin that, he felt complete. The two walked to downstairs and frowned when they realized they had to go separate ways.

"I'll see you later, love." Seungmin spoke in a loving tone. Jeongin nodded and kissed Seungmin before walking to his class. They hated the loss of contact, and decided to do anything to make the day pass by faster. Jeongin sat through his boring class as he stared at the clock. Time seemed to be moving slowly now that he was looking forward to something.

Seungmin wasn't as bored, he had Minho and Chan in his class. Chan refused to talk to the two because of their beef with his boyfriend, so it was just Minho and Seungmin talking with each other. They decided to be annoying and talk crap about Changbin while Chan was right next to them. Minho was cut of by Chan snapping at them, which caused the two to laugh.

"Anyways, ignoring the old man, what's going on between you and Jeongin?" Minho asked suddenly. Seungmin felt his face heat up hearing his boyfriend's name.

"I asked him out when you guys left, he accepted and I've never been happier. You taught me well Hyung, I told him love has no time. That's what you taught me, and I appreciate it so much." Seungmin smiled at Minho who nodded and smiled back.

"Proud of you, kid. You learn from the best obviously!" Minho flipped his non-existent long hair. Seungmin rolled his eyes and smiled happily. He was glad Minho acted as an older brother for him. The class seemed to go by faster as the two talked more, before they knew it the bell rang and they were off to their last class of the day. Seungmin quickly walked out of the classroom to find Jeongin. The two shared a last class together, that was their vocal class.

"Minnie!" Jeongin threw himself onto his boyfriend. "Hey baby, how was class?" Seungmin asked his lover as they walked to class.

"Boring as hell, it was going by so slow because the freaking ferret decided to leave." Jeongin sighed as he leaned onto his boyfriend.

"They were my ride home, well obviously because I live with them." Seungmin laughed, the two of them began talking about random things until they reached their class room. They walked in hand in hand, ignoring all the stares they were getting.

"Well you two seem happy," the teacher spoke as she watched the two head to their seat. Jeongin nodded rapidly and Seungmin hummed.

"I asked him to be my boyfriend." Seungmin told the teacher, they were very comfortable with her. She was always supportive, they gave her advice when she needed it, and she gave them advice.

"Aw, that is so awesome Seungmin, congrats on being a couple!" She smiled at the two who bowed and thanked the woman.

"I love how she knows everything about us," Jeongin laughed and leaned on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"She's an amazing teacher, I feel comfortable enough with her knowing." Seungmin hummed as he kissed Jeongin on the cheek. Jeongin nodded in agreement and smiled, he moved his head slightly so his lips were closer to the elder boy's neck. Jeongin started leaving small, gentle kisses, catching the older off guard.

"Innie, later please." Seungmin mumbled, Jeongin giggled and nodded. The rest of their class went by quickly, they sang a little and talked. The teacher was occasionally a part of their conversations. The two boys were waving by to their teacher when they heard yelling from a familiar voice.

"JISUNG YOU BACKSTABBING BITCH!" Changbin yelled at the younger.

~1000 Words~
Choir concert tomorrow not very excited its at 1 and id like to sleep in tbh-

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