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The youngest had just stopped crying, he was obviously still upset. He hated when he got called a monster, because at his old school they called him the same thing. Seungmin held even after he had stopped crying, and the younger was so thankful. Chan smiled at the two and suddenly remembered their conversation in the principal's office.

"What's your plan Innie? You said you had a plan, but needed Ji and Binnie." Chan reminded the younger. Jeongin excitedly stood up and looked at the group happily.

"Well, I know you guys are known for your musical talents... They obviously know nothing about mine, so how about we make a song, or a few?" Jeongin suddenly felt nervous asking them. Hyunjin jumped up and looked at the younger with a big smile. He nodded immediately and hugged Jeongin tightly. Hyunjin's agreement led to Seungmin and Felix agreeing, and that led Minho and Jisung to agree, then Chan and Changbin.

"Jisung, Changbin, and I will make some lyrics for the song. I have an idea in mind, but i'll go through that idea with everyone later." Chan spoke.

"Works for me," Jisung shrugged as he smiled at Jeongin.

"Oh! After school Hyunjin Hyung and Lix Hyung are coming over!" Jeongin exclaimed.

"That's so cool Jeongin, but I don't remember asking." Minho joked with the younger.

"Shut up your literally owned by YOUR cats." Jeongin shot back.

"He really got you there Hyungie." Jisung laughed at his boyfriend. Minho shot a glare at Felix, and the Australian boy froze.

"No, Hyung, He wasn't the one that told me." Jeongin clarified.

"Then who did? I said that to Felix and Seu- YAH, KIM SEUNGMIN." Minho shouted when he realized.

"IT WASN'T ME HYUNG I SWEAR. I LITERALLY FORGOT ABOUT IT UNTIL NOW." Seungmin shouted as he ran away from Minho. The entire group was laughing until they heard people outside.

"Shit, how are people down here?!" Chan asked the group.

"I'll get them to leave." Jeongin spoke with a straight face. He stood up and walked to the door, opening it slowly.

Outside of the door was a big group of students who had heard Jeongin was at the practice room. Someone clearly wanted to pick a fight with him. There was one person they were all standing around, that person was Jongho. Changbin peeked out of the door and raised his brow at Wooyoung, who clearly didn't want to be there.

"Can someone explain why the HELL you are so loud out here?" Jeongin asked them.

"If it isn't Yang Jeongin himself." Jongho spoke. Jeongin giggled a bit, which surprised a lot of people.

"You aren't as intimidating as you think. Honestly speaking, your face is too baby-like for that." Jeongin smiled.

"I- oh, well thanks, but I'm really here to fight, kid." Jongho spoke.

"That sucks, because I won't fight back. Find someone else because I'm currently unavailable." Jeongin replied. He looked at the door and noticed Changbin trying to mouth some words to someone. The pink-haired boy looked around for said person and smiled.

"Would you like to go inside?" Jeongin asked the male who was struggling to understand what Changbin was mouthing. Wooyoung quickly nodded, and Jeongin led him out of the group and to the door. Wooyoung was greeted with a warm hug by Changbin and Felix.

"Why does Wooyoung Hyung get to go there?" Jongho asked Jeongin, both of them forgot about the fight that Jongho wanted. Jeongin shrugged as Jongho placed an arm on his shoulder. The other students were confused and upset that there was no fight, so they left.

"Fighting is never worth it by the way." Jeongin explained with a smile as the took the older males hand and dragged him into the practice room.

"Minnie hyung!" Jeongin smiled at the older.

"You saw me like a few minutes ago baby bread." Seungmin smiled and pulled Jeongin in for a hug.

"Hmm, but I missed you, and I won't get to see you after school today." Jeongin spoke softly to the older.

"Ew, get your couple bullshit out of here." Minho joked. Jisung looked at his and sighed. He never could get away from his boyfriend's jokes.

"Hyung, first of all we aren't together, second, YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND." Seungmin reminded the older man who just laughed and hugged his lover.

"This is fun and all, but would really like to know if the rumors are true" Jongho spoke up.

"All the rumors are true yeah," Hyunjin took it as an opportunity to sing.

"SHUT UP HYUNG" Jeongin and Seungmin said in sync. "To answer your question, no, none of them are true... at least I hope I'm not the reason." Jeongin explained, mumbling the last part.

"Oh, I'm sorry for believing some dumb rumors over you. I just didn't know you so I was listening to the rumors." Jongho softly spoke.

"Oh wow, see this is why you listen to your Hyung... I told you to not do anything dumb because you hardly know the kid." Wooyoung scolded his youngest friend.

"I'll listen to you next time, okay Hyung?" Jongho smiled at the elder and Wooyoung nodded.

Jeongin was glad to see there were people like Wooyoung there. Even though he didn't know Yang Jeongin personally, he knew he shouldn't believe rumors made by people. Not everyone was like that, which was upsetting, but no one would bother to change them. Changbin caught up with Wooyoung while Felix and Seungmin talked to Jongho.

"Minho hyung..." Jeongin mumbled to the older. Minho had a soft spot for Jeongin since he saw him crying at the store. Jisung and Minho looked at the younger. Jeongin received a hum in response.

"Sleepy." Jeongin spoke as he sat down and rubbed his eyes. Minho smiled softly at the younger and placed Jeongin's head on one of his legs. The elder looked at his lover and helped him lay down on the other. Minho was happy with the two of them. He knew Seungmin would be jealous, but he wasn't paying attention to their maknae, so it was on him.

Seungmin didn't even care to look for the younger, not even once did he look around. He wrapped his arm around Jongho as they sat down and talked. Felix had removed himself from the conversation, feeling weird with Seungmin's movements with Jongho. Hyunjin and Felix began doing what they do best, talking about the situation.

"Tell Innie right now." Hyunjin whispered to the freckled man who nodded in response. Felix moved to the younger and gently woke him up, ignoring the glare Minho was giving him. The younger slowly opened his eyes and looked at Felix.

"Jeongin, you aren't going to like this." Felix spoke to him gently, which left the three boys confused. Felix moved slightly, showing Seungmin and Jongho being super close. Minho looked pissed as well as Jisung, Jeongin felt his eyes water but blinked away the tears.

"Let him lo.... um, yeah love whoever he wants. It's not like we're dating, I don't care what he does." That was a lie and Felix saw right through it.

"You do care, but I won't say anything, okay? You can have him wrapped around your finger in one second." Felix whispered the the younger who smirked.

"Can someone bring Beomgyu here?" Jeongin asked with a smirk.

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