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Everyone was shocked to hear his words. No one dared to speak because they didn't know what to say or do. Jun-Seo looked at the woman who he had called his wife for years and sighed. He looked between Min-Ji and Na-Eun, and laughed.

"I never loved you, and I will never love you. You knew who I truly wanted to be with, you knew who my heart longed for." Jun-Seo spoke, he kept his harsh tone, but had gentle eyes. Jeongin looked at the man who had spoken. He noticed the man's loving gaze on his mother, he could tell the man just wanted to love her.

"Oh my god," Seungmin mumbled to Jeongin. The younger looked at the older male with excitement. Jeongin knew something was off with Min-Ji's husband. Whenever he saw Jeongin's mother, he always looked at her like the world revolved around her. It was the same look Hyunjin gave Felix whenever the freckled boy was talking to Jeongin.

"Oh my god!" Jeongin suddenly shouted, causing all eyes to look at him. He hesitantly let go of Seungmin and walked over to Jun-Seo. He looked at his mom, then to Min-Ji. He let out a loud gasp and looked at his mom again. Jun-Seo looked so similar to his younger brother, and he knew it. His mom got pregnant AFTER his dad passed away. Jeongin was born 3 years before his brother.

"I HAVE TO CALL SOMEONE REAL QUICK! UHM, LIX HYUNG, HYUNE HYUNG, AND PUPPY HYUNG COME WITH ME PLEASE!" Jeongin shouted running outside of the store. The people he asked for followed with confused faces. The youngest boy pulled out his phone and quickly dialed Taehyun's number. He took Seungmin's for and put Jungwon's number in. He was too lazy to make a joined call with the two so he used two phones.

Both men answered their phones, one being happy to hear from his friend, and the other confused on why an unknown number had called him. Jeongin quickly explained to Jungwon whose phone he was called from and got a hum in response. He looked at his crush and smiled softly before thanking him. Seungmin nodded and placed his arm around the younger male's waist.

"O- I- M- JUNGWON AND TAEHYUN PLEASE LISTEN CAREFULLY." Jeongin spoke trying to ignore the hand on his hip.

"Hyung you're actually scaring me! Also, why are you stuttering? Do you have a secret boyfriend i don't know about?" Taehyun bombarded him with questions.

"Innie, when are you and mom going to be home? Was there like drama that I missed at the store or something? You guys never take this long." Jeongin could hear Jungwon's pout through the phone. He giggled and sighed, he placed both phones on a nearby table and sat down, making sure to keep Seungmin's hand in the same spot.

"Lix and Hyunjin Hyung, sit please. You two are highly dramatic and I will pee my pants if you fall on the floor, I'd prefer to keep my pants dry so please sit." Jeongin smiled at his Hyung's, he was joking but would really prefer them sitting. They complied and sat across from their friends. Jeongin wanted to have their hands in his so he held his own hand out and smiled as they placed their hands into his one hand. He used his other free hand to grab Seungmin's hand that wasn't around his waist and sighed.

"Jungwon, you know how you were born after dad died right? I knew him for two years, I was only two when he had passed. I don't remember that much, but mom had shown me videos of him and he was amazing," Jeongin sighed, he heard his brother hum and Taehyun ask a question he couldn't hear.

"Taehyun, here is where you are important in this. Jungwon might have the same mom as me, but he doesn't have the same dad. I will always love him though, nothing is going to change obviously." Jeongin spoke gently. He heard Taehyun let out a little gasp. He looked at Seungmin's phone because he couldn't hear anything until there was an audible sniffle. His heart broke hearing his little brother cry.

"Hey little lamb garden, I know it's a lot but when I get home I will help you through it alright? If it makes you feel better, you have another brother! I'm not related to him, but you are. You have the same dad as him." Jeongin smiled even though his brother couldn't see. Everything went silent until they heard Taehyun yell.

"Oh my GOD! Gyu you won't believe the news I just found out! I HAVE A FREAKING BROTHER! Want to know what makes this crazier?" He heard Beomgyu giggle, "HE IS YANG JEONGIN'S LITTLE BROTHER!" Beomgyu let out a very loud gasp, causing Jeongin to laugh.

"Won, I will be home very soon. I'll have mom pay for whatever she got and we'll come home. I will hold you and comfort you. I will always be there for you to do that Jungwon. Even if you aren't my full blood brother." Jeongin comforted the giggly, but crying younger boy. Seungmin squeezed Jeongin's hand and gave him a proud smile.

He bid his goodbyes to Taehyun and Jungwon then hung up. Felix pulled him into a tight hug right when the calls had ended. Jeongin hugged back, tearing up a little bit.

"Hyung's are so proud of you Innie, you made us so proud. You are so strong and we love you so much. We'll send Seungmin home with you for a bit and pick him up later. Let your mom get to know him, yeah? He's gonna be by your side for a while." Felix spoke as he gently rubbed the younger's back. The pink haired male nodded and looked at Seungmin, who smiled in agreement.

"Let's go inside and get my mom now." Jeongin sniffled, Hyunjin nodded and picked the younger up. Jeongin let out a yelp, but still allowed himself to be carried. Felix smiled at his boyfriend holding the younger one like he was a baby. The group walked inside and went back to where they last saw the group.


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