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School ended with no problems, and Jeongin was thankful for that. The other Stray Kids members all like the younger boy, so he had no other issues besides getting used to Minho having an attitude. The pink haired boy walked out of the school with a small smile on his face. Hyunjin and Felix ran out of the doors after him and gave him a hug. The younger was surprised, but still hugged the older two.

"Innie I hope you had the best first day here, we had the best time meeting you. I have a reason to believe you're gonna be with our group for a while!" Felix spoke with excitement. The youngest boy smiled wide and nodded. Hyunjin talked to him about random things for a while until Seungmin showed up behind his two best friends.

"Not gonna let me say bye to baby bread?" Seungmin joked with the others, they laughed and moved aside for Seungmin to see Jeongin. The pink haired boy blushed a lot when he heard the older boy's voice. A smirk appeared on Hyunjin's face, but Felix was quick to drag him away.

"Did you like your first day fox boy?" Seungmin asked the younger. Jeongin opened his mouth to respond, but it only came out as inaudible words. The boy with blonde bangs laughed and leaned his head on the younger's shoulder. Jeongin jokingly pushed him off and giggled a bit. Seungmin loved the laugh that the younger boy had, it was addicting in his opinion.

Jeongin was going to say something, but his mom honked at him with a smile. Seungmin was quick to look in the direction of the interruption. He was a bit sad knowing the younger had to leave so soon. Seungmin looked at the younger with a playful smile and ruffled his hair. The fox-like male smiled and blushed at the elder. Seungmin took Jeongin's phone and unlocked it with his face before quickly typing his number in.

"Call me later, okay?" Seungmin asked with a soft smile. "Alright, I will Hyung! I have to go mom has been waiting for me, see you tomorrow?" Jeongin asked the older hopefully. He got a nod in response and smiled wide. Seungmin gave him a quick hug before letting him go with a small wave. The younger boy's mom waved at the puppy-like boy and he happily waved back to his new friend's mom. He noticed that his dad wasn't there, most dads came to congratulate their kid on getting through their first day.

Jeongin got into his mom's car and immediately rolled his eyes when his mom smirked at him. He knew she would want to know everything and he was ready to tell her, just not in front of the school. Jeongin stared at the older man, who was still standing outside, now on his phone. Jeongin pulled out his phone and sent a message to the older who quickly replied and looked up at the male in the car with a smile. Jeongin's mom began to drive away from the school, and that's when Jeongin began talking.

"Mom, I had the best day ever! I made so many new friends all in one day. They have the same dance class as me and it's so much fun, though I did argue with some of them before we actually got along. My friend Hyunjin, he's pretty tall, and his boyfriend Felix showed me around. They're like my best friends now. Seungmin too, that boy you saw me talking to, he is honestly amazing. I honestly can't help myself when he gets close to me." Jeongin spilled as soon as the school was out of sight.

"Oh wow, you sound like you had an amazing day love bug. I hope tomorrow is just as good as today was. You seem to like this Seungmin boy, maybe you should invite him over sometime?" Mrs. Yang spoke as the pulled into a store parking lot. Jeongin nodded and gave her the biggest smile, he loved how supportive his mom was with his decisions. His mom parked and he unbuckled his seat belt, slowly sliding out of the car.

"Get whatever you want, I'm going to get some bread and stuff for dinner. Don't get too much though, I'm not made of money, okay sweetie?" Mrs. Yang spoke to her son. She had two kids who she adored. They adored her as much as she adored them. Jeongin was her eldest son, and Jungwon was her youngest. The two siblings got along very well, and she knew Jeongin would tell him everything at dinner.

"Oh! If it isn't baby bread, fancy seeing you here." A voice spoke before Jeongin could reply. Jeongin only knew one person who called him 'baby bread,' and blushed. Mrs. Yang couldn't hide the excitement when she got to meet her son's crush for the first time. Seungmin smiled at her and bowed, she patted his back and looked at her blushing son.

"Minnie, this is my mom. She is clearly very excited to meet you, Mom, this is Seungmin." Jeongin introduced the two. Right when Seungmin was about to speak again, Felix ran to his "baby" and hugged him. At school, Felix and Hyunjin acted like Jeongin was their kid. The two of them were always excited to see Jeongin.

"MY BABY I GET TO SEE YOU FOR EVEN LONGER NOW, I MIGHT JUST CRY" Felix dramatically shouted. Jeongin laughed, which caused Seungmin to stare at him. Jeongin's mom didn't miss the look her son's "friend" had given him. She wanted to point it out right there, but decided to wait until dinner. Seungmin looked at the younger with nothing but pure love.

"Mom, I'm gonna walk around with Felix, text me when you have everything." Jeongin spoke before hugging his mom. She nodded at her son and smiled, she pushed him, but quickly grabbed Seungmin's sleeve before he could walk away. He looked at her with a confused face but didn't want to seem rude, so he smiled.

"Look Seungmin, he speaks highly of you, please don't hurt my baby. He really lo- uh, he likes you a lot. Take that in whatever way you want, you won't be wrong." She whispered to him before letting him go and walking away.

~1043 words~

I'm still grounded :( Guys I jus wanna put this out there, @the_minsung_god is honestly my favorite writer! i <3 their books soooo much they make my day 1000x better.

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