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Seungmin got to the dance studio before the others, he sat down and did some homework while he waited for someone to talk to. He heard the door open and looked towards the door. He saw two of his friends, Chan and Minho walk in together. He was confused because usually those two walked in with their boyfriends. He was about to ask but Minho cut him off before he could make a sound.

"They went to grab us water bottles because we forgot, don't worry with that smart little head of yours, Seungmin." Minho said, the last part was a joke that Seungmin didn't find funny, but the eldest did. The eldest laughed and patted Minho on the back, Seungmin just rolled his eyes.

"Well Felix Hyung and Hyunjin Hyung have a new friend. He tried talking to me, but I didn't respond because I already have you weirdos to deal with." Seungmin had brought up, the eldest of the group gave a proud smile at the fact they were making friends outside of the group. Minho just scoffed and looked at Seungmin.

"You have got to be joking. No way they got the new kid to be their friend." Minho spoke. Seungmin's eyes went wide when he said the new kid. He didn't know the older one already knew about him. Seungmin just nodded at his Hyung and sighed.

"They're like obsessed with that kid or something, It's mildly concerning. Like they waited outside of the classroom for him." Seungmin spoke, he didn't like to talk crap, but it gave him a reason to talk about the new kids. Everyone found him interesting in some way, the girls thought he was super cute, and the boys thought he was chill. He entered the school dancing and singing, so everyone thought he was talented.

"Hey, maybe they offered to show the kid around?" Chan added, Minho rolled his eyes and shook his head. Seungmin scoffed and looked at the older in disbelief. Jisung and Changbin walked in before Minho could talk again. Jisung went to Minho and kissed the older's cheek.

"Hey baby, we were just talking about Felix and Hyunjin's new friend." Minho said patting his lover's head. Jisung nodded and smiled at Chan, he never greeted him, so instead of talking he just gave him a warm smile.

"Chan Hyung, I doubt they were just showing the dude around. They were over there linking arms and crap. They are definitely friends hyung." Seungmin spoke to the older, Minho nodded and sighed.

"They're gonna invite him to eat with us, can we just not have him there? Maybe we can make Felix and Hyunjin eat somewhere else with him. I do not feel like making new friends today." Minho suggested, Seungmin nodded in agreement while Jisung frowned. Felix was his best friend, they did everything together. Chan was about to yell at them for being rude, but Felix and Hyunjin walked in, and to no ones surprise, Jeongin was with them.

The group didn't know that Felix had heard everything. Felix gave all of them dirty looks and whispered in Hyunjin's ear. Hyunjin looked at them all in shock and anger while Jeongin stood there confused. Jisung smiled at his best friend with the new kid and walked over to them. He held his hand out for Jeongin to shake.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Han Jisung, what's your name?" Jisung cheerfully asked the younger.

"Yang Jeongin, Nice to meet you Han Jisung," Jeongin giggled using his full name. The quokka looking boy smiled at the younger and linked arms with Felix, who had previously let go of Jeongin. Jisung leaned into Felix's ear and whispered something that Felix nodded in agreement with.

"Innie, let's get you settled in! I would introduce you to everyone, but they have decided they want to be JERKS." Felix huffed and looked at the youngest. Jeongin raised his brow and looked at the others. There were two people giving him apologetic looks, while the other two gave him dirty looks. Receiving dirty looks made him feel insecure about himself. He sighed and looked at Felix with a big smile.

"You looked like a good dancer when you walked in, so can you show me what you know?" Hyunjin asked his new friend. The younger one nodded and walked over to the speaker. He connected his phone and played a song no one has heard before. Hyunjin peeked at Jeongin's phone and looked at the title of the song. It was 'Hug Me' by I.N, Hyunjin was confused to say the least. Whoever was singing sounded so much like Jeongin.

The youngest danced to the song he made, but no one knew he made it. He made every step of the dance and every lyric to the song. He made his one choreography to 'Nonsense' by Sabrina Carpenter, but decided that one was too much for just showing. He danced until the end of the song and smiled at the three he saw as his friends.

"Innie, you're so good! Oh my god, and the song you picked was amazing. I've never heard it before, how'd you find it?" Felix asked. Jeongin rubbed his nape and sighed. He never wanted to tell them, but he didn't know what else to say.

"I... Made it myself, with the help of my mom. I would have danced to Sabrina Carpenter, but that one is a bit... yeah," Jeongin mumbled. Jisung was in shock that the younger composed his own song and made it sound good.

"YANG FREAKING JEONGIN, WHAT THE HELL! YOU MADE THAT?! I MAKE MY OWN SONGS AND NONE OF THEM COME OUT AS GOOD AS THAT." Jisung spoke pointing to the younger's phone. Jeongin just laughed and smiled at the older. He was glad that they liked his song, now he wasn't so insecure about it. He was going to say something when a voice cut him off.

"It was average." The voice suddenly said, Jeongin turned his head in the direction of the person speaking and felt all his confidence shatter.

~1002 words~

Nonsense Г Seungin ♧Where stories live. Discover now