Chapter Eleven: The Tracker Jackers

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Eventually, they all regrouped, Cato and Clove avoiding each other and making the rest of the day extremely awkward. Clove didn't miss the pained glances Marvel and Glimmer were exchanging or the way Peeta hesitantly stood in between the two. Even though Peeta was from District Twelve Clove found herself actually enjoying his company. He was sweet and kind, and she could tell that he was completely in love with Katniss even if he'd agreed to help them kill her. Clove stuck by Marvel for most of the day, partially because she liked him the best out of the rest of the careers but mostly to stick it to Cato. But Cato only fought fire with fire, constantly flirting with Glimmer, making Clove even angrier. She nearly went to attack him but Peeta held her back

"It's not worth the safety of you're baby," He said quietly "Think of your baby Clove." Clove nodded silently, spending the rest of the day being relatively quiet only chipping in occasionally on conversations. Eventually, they'd killed a girl and gotten her supplies, before making their way deeper into the woods. Clove could read Cato like a book but even she wasn't sure what his plan was. They had been wandering aimlessly all day, and Clove knew Cato was smarter than to spend the majority of his time searching for that stupid girl from twelve. They were all in pretty high spirits, laughing and joking around when all of a sudden Cato stopped shortly, his eyes glued on a figure in the water.

"Get her!" Clove shouted, realizing it was Firegirl. Cato chased after her and attempted to climb the tree she'd escaped to, but struggled to do so, grunting in annoyance. Glimmer fired a few faulty arrows, barely missing her face. Clove could see Cato growing more and more annoyed as they were unable to get her when finally Peeta spoke up. 

 "Let's just wait her out," He suggested "She has to come down some time it's that or die." Reluctantly Cato agreed, none of them seeing any other one. Clove didn't want to lose her precious knives killing this girl so early.

"Let's set up camp then!" Cato shouted angrily, stalking away, Glimmer in tow. Clove and Marvel searched the woods for good sticks for the fire, Cato worrying about their food, and Peeta setting up the sleeping bags they'd gotten. Clove was content in silence with Marvel, the two working well together until Marvel spoke up.

"How are you doing?" He asked awkwardly "I know earlier was rough."

"I'm fine," Clove said, her voice betraying her "Everything will be fine."

"I'm here if you need anything," Marvel said "I know we're not close but I like you," His eyes widened at the implication he'd given her "Not like that I just mean-"

"I know Marvel," Clove said with a laugh "I like you too." Marvel nodded with a smile, the two falling back into silence as they went back and helped Peeta set up the fire. Cato and Glimmer returned, Glimmer giggly and leaning against Cato for support, making Clove's blood boil. Glimmer even snuggled up to Cato in his sleeping bag after dinner and Clove was just about ready to kill the both of them, sharpening her knife, a singular tear running down her cheek. She could feel Cato's gaze on her, and she wanted to shout at him and tell him to look away but she eventually met his gaze. She wished she wouldn't have, his gaze full of pity and sadness as he watched her and she could see the guilt on his face. But she couldn't let him have the satisfaction of her accepting any half-assed apology he was trying to convey. She turned away from him, closing her eyes and trying to get some sleep, a light sleep eventually overtaking her. The only thing Clove could vaguely remember was the sound of buzzing before Glimmer's screams started along with her own. She sprung awake, fighting the bugs off of her. Without a second thought, Cato had gathered Clove in his arms, running away in a full sprint, not bothering to even look back for anyone else. Cato had barely been touched, but Clove could feel the nausea settling in from the few stings she'd received, wanting nothing more than to close her eyes.

"Hey hey no you have to stay with me Clover," Cato said brokenly "Stay awake for me."

"I can't," Clove spit out, her eyes fluttering shut "I love you." She murmured before falling asleep, her heart beating dangerously slow.

"Shit!" Cato shouted, "You can't die Clover you can't die on me, not like this." A sudden beeping sound, made Cato sigh in relief, immediately opening the parcel.

Fix the mess you made was written by Brutus on a small note, sighing Cato tossed it away, rubbing the ointment onto all of Clove's stings. Marvel suddenly dashed out of the forest

"Glimmer's gone," He stated, his voice broken "She's dead."

"Oh," Cato said, not quite sure how to feel at this news "I'm sorry man I know you liked her."

"It's ok," Marvel said, even though they both knew that was far from the truth "How is she?"

"She passed out a little while ago but Brutus sent us some ointment so she should be ok," Cato said. Suddenly Clove's eyes fluttered open, silencing their conversation as she groggily looked around.

"Where am I?" She murmured, "Am I dead?"

"No," Cato said with a relieved laugh "You're not dead Clover."

"That's good," Clove murmured sleepily, fighting to stay awake.

"You can sleep Clove," Cato said, stroking her hair softly. Without hesitation Clove fell back to sleep, her hand gripping onto Cato's, forgetting all the hurt he'd caused her. Cato knew she'd be pissed at him when she woke up but all that mattered to him right now was that she was here, alive, and holding his hand.

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